Summer Post Round-Up and a Christmas-in-July Sale

Published: Thu, 07/24/14

Happy 24th of July!  (It's actually a holiday here in Utah to celebrate when the pioneers first arrived in Utah)

We know that summer-time is busy and you may not have time to check our blogs as often as usual, so today we wanted to give you a quick round-up of the posts we've done over the summer so you don't miss out on anything.  And we also wanted to let you know about a Christmas-in-July Sale going on at Thrive Life right now, so make sure to scroll to the bottom for details on that! 


Some of the most popular Thrive Life products are on sale this month when bundled in these special packages.  These deals are available exclusively through consultants (that's us!) and will not be found on the Thrive Life website.  You can check out the details and order them through our secure online order form through July 31st at 10 pm MST.  Click here to see what the sales are and order now!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the summer!

-Jodi and Julie