How are YOU "Celebrating" National Preparedness Month?

Published: Tue, 09/22/15

Hi from Jodi and Julie!

We always love the month of September because it is National Preparedness Month.  It is amazing to have a whole month where people are really focusing on being more prepared and they add a little more to the supplies and knowledge each year.  If you haven't jumped on the preparedness month bandwagon yet, it's not too late!  Here are some things that we are up to this month:

What's Already Happened
For the past 3 years we have put on a Powerless Cooking Class at the Utah Prepare Expo held in Salt Lake City.  We did our class again this year and had our biggest turnout ever!  Since so many of you are not local and are unable to attend our classes, we put together an online powerless cooking class several years ago.  You can view that as well as check out two new products we now feature at these links:

Upcoming 7 Day Challenge
On a SURPRISE day in September we email everyone who has signed up to participate in the 7 Day Challenge and let them know that it has begun.  Each day we send a new emergency scenario with tasks and limitations for the day.  It is a fantastic way to learn and practice your preps, even if you don't do every single day 100% perfectly.  Here's what you need to do if you want to participate this year:
  1. Sign up to the 7 Day Challenge email list
  2. Follow us on Facebook (tons of discussion during the week happens here)
  3. GET READY - Fill gas tanks, hit the grocery store, do laundry, etc. (we are starting SOON)
Upcoming Webinars
We will be hosting several webinars as part of our preparedness month educational efforts this month.  We love doing webinars as it's a way to hold a "class" but be able to reach all of our readers worldwide.  Here is the current schedule for the webinars (we will email as each one gets closer with signup details)
  • September 30th at 6:00 pm MST - Sun Oven Webinar
    This webinar will cover everything you need to know about using a SUN OVEN. We will show how practical and easy it is to cook in a SUN OVEN and discuss the many economic, health, and environmental benefits of cooking with the sun. All webinar participants will be eligible for special Sun Oven pricing just for attending!
  • October 7th at 6:00 pm MST - So You Want a Year Supply? Webinar
    This webinar will walk you through an in-depth process of how to go about planning your year supply.  People have varying needs and wants with their food storage and now there are so many good food options that you SHOULD be able to make it work for you.  We'll show you how to take some of the standard calculators out there and adjust them to meet your individual needs. 
Upcoming Local Events
If you would like to know more about becoming a Thrive Life consultant or even just to see a cooking demo, you may want to consider attending one of Thrive's regional events this fall. You can look for an event in your area and if you attend make sure to let them know Jodi and Julie sent you and let us know you're going ! If you live in Utah you may even see us at the American Fork or Layton events :)

Have a great National Preparedness Month and hope to see you participating in the 7 Day Challenge along with us!

Jodi and Julie

p.s.  Make sure you sign up for the Green Smoothie Girl Blendaid Campaign that we shared about last month.  We are going to be featured on Robyn's blog tomorrow making green smoothies using food storage and you can enter to win $500 worth of Thrive Fruits and Vegetables!