Are you ready for tomorrow?

Published: Wed, 03/16/16


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter

We wanted to send a quick email today to let you know about TWO amazing things happening tomorrow. Make sure that you check your emails because you do not want to miss out on all the excitement!
Instagram Button

Starting tomorrow we are hosting a HUGE Instagram party with almost $2000 worth of food storage and preparedness prizes to give away to some of our lucky followers. There will also be great sales on each item so that EVERYONE can be a winner. Yay!

Instagram March Madness Giveaway How to participate:
- Download the Instagram app on your smart phone or tablet
- Set up an account if you don't already have one
- Follow us @foodstoragemadeeasy
- Watch for the giveaways to be posted tomorrow!

If you are unable to access Instagram please email us for an alternate method of entering, but we promise Instagram will be the easiest way!



March Madness Sale FlyerAlso starting tomorrow is Thrive Life's March Madness sale. In conjunction with the sale we are putting on a Mini Crash Course all about using freeze-dried foods and "powders" this weekend. This course will be completely free for those on our Thrive Life customer/email list and will be a great resource for helping you to learn how to use the foods you are storing. The first installment goes out tomorrow so make sure to sign up for the list now so you don't miss a single thing!

How to participate:
- Visit our Thrive blog
- Subscribe to join our customer list by entering your name and email
- Make sure to check your email and confirm your subscription
- Tomorrow you will automatically be sent Day 1 of the course!

Hopefully you will join us in some of these fun activities ... and if you don't want to be reminded about them please feel free to unsubscribe via the link at the bottom of this email. Thanks for sharing your inbox with us and we will talk you tomorrow!

-Jodi and Julie

Please note: If you were sent this newsletter from a friend and would like to receive your own copy every month, you may sign up for the emails at