Preparedness Spring Cleaning Checklists

Published: Fri, 03/11/16


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter


Spring is in the air … and with that comes spring cleaning! We admit we totally buy into the spring cleaning frenzy. It feels so good to clear things out of our homes. Recycling, de-cluttering, donating things, and throwing things out makes us happy. Today we wanted to talk about Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness Spring cleaning! We came up with a system using zones and sticky notes on your fridge or a bulletin board. The idea is to put each task on a little sticky note sorted by zones and take them off one by one as you complete them. Give it a try this spring, you just might be able to accomplish a whole lot, a little at a time! Pantry and Cupboards
  • Throw away any expired foods
  • Donate any foods you aren’t going to end up eating after all
  • Move foods you know you should get around to eating to the front
  • Make foods you use more frequently more accessible
  • Install cansolidator rotating shelves to make rotation easier
  • Combine like foods that you may have more than 1 bag open for (pastas, cereals, etc)
  • Sweep out the bottom of the floors and wipe shelves down
  • Keep smaller containers of grains you use less frequently in your pantry to save space
  • Store multiples of the same foods on your food storage shelves if you have a separate area to save space in your pantry
  • See if some of your containers are empty and just taking up space
  • Create granola or trail mixes with foods you have just a little bit left of
  • Clear out old tupperwares with missing lids and old dishes 
  • Go through baking cupboard and consolidate foods and like items
Food Storage Shelves
  • Combine like foods on shelves (fats, grains, produce, legumes etc)
  • Date foods with a sharpie so you know when you bought them if they don’t have expiration dates on them
  • Move older foods to the front, and newer foods to the back
  • Inventory what you have on your shelf for your Three Month Supply and for your Long Term Food Storage
  • Make a purchasing plan for what you need
  • Assess your non-food items (this one is easy to forget)
  • Wipe down any shelves that may need it (dust,spills, dirt)
  • Move foods close to expiring to your pantry to encourage and remind you to eat them
  • Have your kids help
ePrep Kits and Closet
  • Review your 72 hour kits (part 1) (part 2)
  • Rotate 72 hour kit foods; use them for a camping trip or snacks
  • Swap out clothes for kids that have become too small
  • Check batteries in flashlights etc
  • Look over our Emergency Prep Guide to see what you're missing
  • Review your emergency protocols with your family
  • Update eprep plan with new phone numbers for family members etc.
  • Update your evacuation list with items that may be new or obsolete
  • Rotate water in your kits
  • Evaluate and update your Emergency Binder
Garden and Water
  • Clean out weeds or old plants from garden beds
  • Make your 2016 garden plan
  • Refill gardens with new compost if needed
  • Prune fruit trees and bushes as necessary
  • Plant vegetables (check out this guide to when you can plant each type of vegetable specific to your area)
  • Rotate water storage by watering your gardens
  • Check your water filters
Supplies and Tools
  • Inventory your fuel supplies
  • Make sure your fuel is still good for powerless cooking
  • Test your powerless cooking tools to ensure they are in working order
  • Store extra or old dishes cleared out of your kitchen with your supplies instead of buying new ones
Knowledge Base

-Jodi and Julie

March Madness Sales and Giveaways
Stay tuned next week for more details on a HUGE giveaway and sale we are hosting that includes all of the most popular products that so many of our readers love and use every day! Here are a few of the prizes we will be giving away and offering on sale:
  • All-American Sun Oven
  • WonderMill
  • WaterBricks
  • Solar Lanterns
  • Fortress Clothing
  • InstaFire
  • Thrive Shelves
  • FSME eBooks
  • More to come!
To fully participate in the giveaway you'll need to follow us on Instagram so get set up now so you're ready for next week!
Join Us on Instagram

The giveaway will be held March 17-20 through our Instagram account.  It will be SO easy to enter to win!  Make sure you download the free Instagram App on your smart phone and get an account setup asap.

Come follow us over at @foodstoragemadeeasy for fun food storage photos and tips and to be eligible to enter the giveaways!

Thrive Life Sale Flyer

Click the flyer above to get a preview of all the great sales over at Thrive Life starting March 17th. Some items are up to 50% off!

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