FREE Online Preparedness Classes

Published: Mon, 07/18/16


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter
We are so excited to be offering two free educational webinars for our readers this month.  As a quick reminder the Emergency Water Webinar replay link is expiring soon and the Canning Safety Webinar is coming up on Tuesday! Here are all the details you need to know for both events.

Emergency Water Webinar

The replay link and special offer were supposed to expire tonight (Sunday) but we have had lots of people ask if we could extend it so they can have a little extra time since the weekends tend to be pretty busy.  Glenn has generously allowed us to leave it up until Tuesday night at midnight.  After that you will no longer be able to hear the replay OR have access to the special sale he is offering for our readers.  Click below for the full replay!

Five Things You MUST KNOW to Provide Your Family with Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency  
Learn how to properly purify any kind of water and also what NOT to do in an emergency.

Home Canning Safety Webinar

We are thrilled to partner with one of our favorite bloggers Melissa K. Norris to offer you this canning safety webinar.  We've been going through her online canning course this summer and have learned so much from her. This webinar should be full of great information to help you make sure to follow the proper safety protocols as you embark on your canning adventures this fall.  Here are the links to RSVP for reminders and a replay link!

How to Can Safely at Home With Confidence 
Learn which methods are outdated and dangerous and how you can stay safe!

Date:  Tuesday, July 19
Time:  10:00 am Pacific, 1:00 pm Eastern
RSVP:  click here to RSVP (and get email reminders)
Replay:  Webinar will be recorded and sent out to all who RSVP!

Have a wonderful week and if you need an easy yummy food storage treat check out the easy 2-4 ingredient recipe we posted on our Thrive blog this week.  We shared the photo on Instagram but hadn't gotten the full recipe up yet. (Our instagram is @foodstoragemadeeasy if you don't follow us there yet!)

-Jodi and Julie

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