Small Spaces Storage Solutions (+ Sale Ending)

Published: Thu, 08/17/17


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter {{BANNER IMAGE}}
Hi from Jodi and Julie! 

As our kids start heading back to school we always get the itch to start getting the house (and our food storage areas) organized.  Many many years ago we asked our readers to come up with ideas for how to store food in sneaky areas around the house, especially for those with small storage spaces.  You all gave us some fabulous ideas that we compiled into our Small Storage Spaces Solutions handout which is one of our most popular posts on the blog.  We wanted to share it again today in case you are a newer reader and hadn't seen it yet, or needed a reminder of some of the great ideas.  Click the image below to view the blog post and/or download the pdf handout.



Don't forget that some of our Emergency Preparedness "Back to School" Sales are ending tonight, Thursday, August 17th at midnight Mountain time.  We always get people who miss out on the deals because they forgot to order right away, so we like to send one final reminder in case you didn't grab your goodies yet.  

Thanks for letting us into your inbox.  Have a great week!

-Jodi and Julie
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