[Facebook message] £1800 from one email that only had 9 words

Published: Tue, 09/01/20

Heads up>>> This evening...

I'm closing the doors on my World Famous Email Domination Academy for the FINAL time


So if you've been sitting on the fence about working with me on your sales and marketing?

This is it.

Gets me this message over on the old Flakebook last


“Quick email update boss.

Hope you are well.

Email sent early last week. 9 word.

Cold lead never heard of this prospect before.

4 emails back to back

Real short. Banked £1800

Bloody awesome boss. Have a great evening”


not bad eh?

that was from my man Neale Bergman who completed out last Email Domination Academy <<<

the interesting part in his message: “9 WORDS”

see, a lot of people kinda just try and ‘copy’ what I do.. what James Smith does

[sometimes even word for word]

without knowing the ‘why’…

and then wonder why email doesn't work for them

they think that it’s ‘easy’ to write emails… and that they all should look and feel like this one

THAT is stupid.

See, there are certain types of email that produce AMAZING results

I have ONE particular that's produced close to £100,000 in sales for me..

but you can’t just ‘throw them out’ and hope that they work… oh no..

in fact, if you DO do that?

you’d be making a BIG mistake and will do nothing but burn your email list

THAT, my friend is just one reason you need to get in EDA

I cover this in Module FIVE

It's just one of the things I share with you in that module..

and here are another 7>>>>

What covered in Email Domination Academy Module 5:

* Powerful techniques to make your super signature super effective

*How to re-activate former clients and get them back on board

* My famous 6 FIGURE EMAIL and how to craft your own uber profitable, 9 word email

* How to RESPOND to enquiries so that you don’t fck it up

* My super 'not-so-secret' ways to Launch Brand new programs

* How to make your inbox EXPLODE with red-hot enquires using just ONE email

* How to find out if someone is REALLY interested in buying from you with my “dead lead reviver”

and much more

now quit f5cking around and invest in yourself and your business

go to http://emaildominationacademy.com

Paul ‘ 9 word’ Mort

PS- I'll email you a couple more times about this today ....

if you have ZERO INTEREST in growing your business using PROVEN methods?

click the unsubscribe link below and you'll never hear from me again

otherwise... go here >>>
