"how much is it?"

Published: Tue, 09/01/20

If you’re anything like me.. “How much is it?” is one
of the most common questions you get asked

if not THE most common question…

So I get it… and I have a very unique way of dealing with that question which I’ll share with you in another email

because the other question I’ve been asked this week, probably because I'm about to close down my World Famous Email Domination Academy


(reply to this email with “academy” as the subject line and I’ll get you the details BTW)

the other question is.. and you’ll recognise this

is “What does it cover?”


just so happens, mon ami

I’ve decided to give you a little insight into the modules we cover in EDA

so here we go

Module 1 of Email Domination Academy

What’s covered>>

* Email Marketing Fundamentals for success

* The CRITICAL differences between email marketing and social media marketing

* Why using only social media is a GIANT error that almost all fitness people make and how it
could cost them every thing

* One powerful mindset shift that will transform the way you think about marketing and money forever

* What to do when people opt in to your email list for maximum impact

* Why I’d NEVER start an email with ‘hey guys’ and you shouldn’t either

* How to make sure ALL your marketing works so that you stand out like a fart in a lift from your competition

* My #1 secret that allows me to murder my competition without me whoring myself out

* Why and when email DOESN'T work and what to do about it so you can actually make some cheese

* How your LOGO is fcking with your profits

* The 1 thing that's costing you an absolute fortune and how to solve it with a simple tweak in your thinking

and that's ^^^ just the start?

Sound like something you’d want to learn?

you can grab it here >>>>


where you can also check out what else I cover...


PS- What questions do you have about working with me?