How to write world-class emails that sell

Published: Tue, 09/01/20

Ironically, just yesterday I was asked over on my Instagram (I'm terrible at it, don't follow me)

“ Do you have a set structure you follow when writing emails?”


and it just so happens, that’s what I was gonna drop you a message about today anyway…

Handy, eh?

The answer is a simple one… but yeh I do

and it goes like this>>>

• Subject line : ATTENTION
• Transition: CREATE DESIRE
• Pitch “reply with” : ACTION
• Sign OFF- Paul ‘big dick’ Mort
• Super signature: ACTION

Not get it?

GOOD. Seriously, Imagine if it was that easy?

I mean, that's why I put together Email Domination Academy.

So I can teach, IN DEPTH…

the art and science of crafting world class emails that make sales

just like i do in Module 3 (listed below)

ready to work with me and start growing your business?


oh and here’s whats inside of Module 3 of EDA >>>

* The exact ‘paint-by-numbers’ formula I use to craft world class emails that make sales EVERY WEEK

* How Write emails from SCRATCH with just a ’rough idea’ and turn them into winning emails

* A step-by-step strategy for writing ‘stories that sell’ in under 15 minutes a day

* Why yo should NEVER send an email with a ‘recipe’ in it if you want to have a REAL impact
how to come up with neck-snapping subject lines that GET OPENED

* The critical things you need to be aware of to Keep peoples attention (so that they read to the end)

* How i get a response to EVERY email I send with this powerful tip thats made me at LEAST £100,000
The one thing I learned in 2018 that TRANSFORMED my ‘PS’ into a powerful profit magnet

Like I say…..

whenever you’re ready to take your business SERIOUSLY?

lets go

Paul ‘module’ Mort

PS- I'll email you ONE MORE TIME about this

once that emails gone?

so has you chance to work with me on your email marketing