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Published: Wed, 06/01/11

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  Father's Day Coupon

72 Names of Jerusalem
Ben Porat Yoseph - the meaning
42 letter Name - Ana be Coach

Blue colour in Judaism

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Jerusalem has 72 Names

Names of Jerusalem

Jerusalem has been known by 70 names in biblical and post-biblical literature. Some of the better known names follow:

Adonay Yireh The Lord is seen (Gen 22:14)

Ariel Lion of God (Is 29:1)

Betulah Virgin (Lam 1:16)

Drushah Sought After (Is 62:12)

Gai Hizayon Valley of Vision (Is 22:1)

Gilah Joy (Is 65:18)

Ir Ha'Elohim City of God (Ps 87:2)

Ir Ha'Emet City of Truth (Zech 8:3)

Jebus (Judges 19:10)

Kir City (Ezek 13:14)

Kiriyah Aliza Joyful City (Is 22:2)

Kiryat Hannah David City Where (Is 29:1) David Camped

Kiryah Ne'emanah Faithful City (Is 1:25)

Klilat Yoffi Paragon of Beauty (Lam 2:15)

Moriah (Gen 22:2)

Neveh Zedek Righteous Dwelling (Jer 31:22)

Oholivah My Tent is in Her (Ezek 23:4)

Shalem Peace (Whole) (Gen 14:18)

Tzur Hamishor Rock of the Plain (Jer 21:13)


About Ben Porat Yosef

Ben Porat Prayer- part of the verse from Genesis "Joseph is a fruitful bough even a fruitful bough by a well...".

Ben Porat Yosef jewelry

This verse comes from the blessing of Jacob to his favorite and beloved son Joseph, whose decedents are liked to a fruitful prosperous tree that grows on a fountain.

In Jewish tradition the descedents of Joseph are believed to be protected from the "Evil Eye" or the misfortune that comes from the envy of others in ones success.

It is known Joseph was not only successful in life but also rose to greatness while overcoming jealousy and vengeance from even his own brothers, and others who wished him harm. He did so by being truthful and generous.

Ben Porat Prayer- The inscription is from Genisis 49:22


42 Letter Name

Most people perceive life as suffering. They see no other way but to submit to a life of chaos, resentment, physical and mental pain, tragedies and friction with their fellow man.

However the Kabbalah teaches us, that any person holds the ability to control the chaos in his/her life and change destiny. This enlightened message according the Kabbalah was brought to us by none other then Abraham, some 3800 years ago.

Abraham wrote the "Sefer Yetzira". This is a short book, which serves as a tool for enlightenment and control over the powers of the universe. It teaches how to maximize the use of our mind and control the way the universe influences us.

A lot of famous sages such as Ari Hakadosh and the Gaon mi Vilna have written interpretations on the "Sefer Yetzira". These interpretations explain how to utilize the wisdom in the "Sefer Yetzira" in to day to day life.

The "Sefer Yetzira" teaches that there are special combinations, symbols or codes, that can help control the energetic fields that affect one's life. These symbols represent the 22 powers the universe is comprised of and are in effect the 22 forms of Hebrew alphabet.

Abraham adopted the Hebrew alphabet, because he realized it is the language that controls the universe. The word "Hebrew" means- to rise above and beyond, i.e. to transfer energy and information from one plane to another, from one consciousness level to another.

ana be koach

One of the most important alphabetical combinations in the "Sefer Yetzira" is referred to as "Shem ben Mem-Bet", or the "42 letter name". This is a very ancient name that has existed prior to Abraham's time. The "Shem ben Mem-bet" is comprised of the first 42 letters from the book of Genesis, which appear encrypted by a secret kabalistic formula.

In the first century AC, the rabbi Nichunia ben ha Kane- a renowned sage- knew a time will come when people will lose their spirituality and forget how to use the sacred combinations of the "Shem ben Mem-Bet", and thus he wrote a prayer, which is an acronym of those 42 letters called - "Ana be koach".

"Ana be Coach" is named after the first two words in the prayer. Its purpose is to release us from the fictitious and false reality we normally live in, based solely on our five senses.

"Ana be Coach" is divided to 7 verses. The first letters of every word in a verse form together seven letter sequences containing each 6 letters, 42 letters combined. Each of the 7 combinations of "Ana be koach" can take one to a higher energetic level, to a secret code, which connects us to an energetic channel of a different strata.

Each of the 7 combinations controls one of the 7 planets. Moreover, the words of "Ana be Coach" are actually the wings of the celestial angels (7 angels , with 3 sets of wings). Every pair of letters represents angelic wings which lift us to a higher plane; hence the prayer's verses are said in pairs

The "Ana be koach" prayer is imperative for spiritual growth and enlightenment and so is it recommended to say it every morning, or an unlimited amount of times during the day. It can be uttered before undertaking an important task, or at any time one needs to reconnect to a higher energetic plane.

Meditation on the prayer of "Ana be koach" connects us to a boundless awareness of light, and allows us to return to our ideal state. However, the prayer is useful in any situation of chaos even if one only concentrates on the combination of letters.

Ana be Coach - Virtue for success

In this ring is engraved the phrase Ana be Coach

....and the 42 letter from the prayer

These are 7 words are composed by 6 letters each and are parallel to the 7 combinations of the mem-bet otiot. Throughout the generations, "Ana be coach" has become a part of the prayer book and is present in the morning and afternoon prayer service, and also in the welcoming of the Sabbath, before the "lecha dodi" psalm.


The Blue Colour in Judaism   

Blue in Judaism is used to symbolise divinity, because blue is the color of the sky and sea.

It can also represent equilibrium, since its hue suggests a shade midway between white and black, day and night.

In the Torah, the Israelites were commanded to put fringes, tzitzit, on the corners of their garments, and to weave within these fringes a "twisted thread of blue (tekhelet)."

The oral law requires that this blue thread be made from a dye extracted from a sea creature known as the hilazon. Maimonides claimed that this blue was the color of "the clear noonday sky"; Rashi, the color of the evening sky.

According to several rabbinic sages, blue is the color of God's Glory.

Staring at this color aids in meditation, bringing us a glimpse of the "pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for purity," which is a likeness of the Throne of God.

Many items in the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary in the wilderness, such as the menorah, many of the vessels, and the Ark of the Covenant, were covered with blue cloth when transported from place to place.

(From Wikipedia)

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