7 secrets to a winning budget (that you can actually stick with)

Published: Mon, 04/27/20

I know, not many of us right?

Well, if you want some simple tips to improve it (or start one the right way in these tough times), get your spouse on board, and learn how to actually stick with it then you should join some friends of mine (Bob & Linda Lotich of SeedTime) LIVE this Wednesday.

Bob is a certified educator in personal finance and represents the money-nerds among us.  And Linda, well she is the free-spirit spender who always hated budgeting, but now somehow loves it.  

Regardless of whether you are the money nerd or the free-spirit, you will get something from these guys.

They always make it fun and they bring it with awesome content, so this will be well worth your time.

7 secrets to a winning budget (that you can actually stick with).  

In this free live online training you will learn: 
  1. 3 critical things most people don't think to budget for.
  2. How to successfully involve your spouse.
  3. A simple exercise that virtually guarantees to save you hundreds.
  4. How to ensure you actually stick with your budget.
  5. The money mistake 59% of Americans make and how to easily fix it.
  6. A simple tactic to greatly reduce money stress with your partner.
  7. How to spend less time budgeting while getting better results.

When is it?

This live presentation is happening Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 11a PST / 12p MST / 1p CST / 2p EST.
Click here to get registered and save your spot as soon as possible since there is limited availability.
See you there!
