Your Bob Beck eNews January Edition - AWeber Test - 1 sub

Published: Mon, 01/25/16

Hello Friends:

Happy New Year!
In this month’s video testimonial, you’ll meet Richard, who went from stage 4 bladder cancer to cancer-free, by way of the 4-part Beck Protocol. As Richard puts it, “My gratefulness to Bob Beck is beyond words.” You’ll also find highlights from recent Facebook posts… and for fun, read about Bob’s adventures working as visual effects coordinator on the Roger Corman cult classic, The Trip.

Personal Insights

“I feel that once the political climate changes, Bob Beck will be awarded the Noble Peace Prize posthumously for his work.”

-R.T., Minnesota, USA

This month's Feature:
New Video Testimonial

Stage 4 bladder cancer... definitely a scary diagnosis! One man shares his experience going through traditional treatments from the point of being a "walking ghost” to using the 4-part Beck Protocol. He has been cancer-free for ten years:

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Low intensity electric fields called “Tumor Treating Fields” are revealed to be effective even with cancers that recur after conventional treatments.
During a TEDMED talk in October 2011, Bill Doyle explains his findings. Using a simple, portable device with connections placed on the skin, patients have the independence and freedom to go about their daily activities.
“Bill Doyle: Treating cancer with electric fields”

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In “Creating the Psychedelic Visual Effects for The Trip”, Bob Beck describes the techniques he used in the cult movie classic and provides a glimpse into his experiences working with Hollywood director Roger Corman to produce the movie. Bob’s unique and original psychedelic effects for the movie speak of an era in his life when his accomplishments in photography led to a teaching position in cinematography at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the 1970s.

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See you in February!


The Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.