Lyme, asthma and colds, oh my! See Xiren's pick for a microcurrent unit.

Published: Thu, 04/28/16

Hello Friends:

We're always on the lookout for new resources, and we're thrilled to share a YouTube video series, "Know How Things Work," created by Xiren. His review of the SOTA Silver Pulser explains its usefulness for colds, flus and even Lyme.

April's issue is also packed with powerful testimonials as well as highlights from our Facebook page.

Get comfortable, and enjoy the read!

Personal Insights

"I really appreciate having these instruments in my life. Although I have suffered irreparable damage from the swine flu shot, I am able to receive relief by using the Beck Protocol instruments."

-S.E., CO, USA

This month's Feature Video

We just learned of a new YouTube video that takes a look at micropulsing and ionic colloidal silver; specifically reviewing the SOTA Silver Pulser. We highly recommend it to you.
The “Know How Things Work” video series has at its heart a talented video-maker and musician, Xiren (pronounced sear-en), whose mission is to create “A video series that explores how his favorite technologies really work. He wants to empower ALL people to live powerful, healthy lives by broadcasting compelling & elevating perspectives and amplifying under-exposed practical technologies; a uniting beacon of constructive conversation.”
“Empowering ALL people to live powerful, healthy lives”… Bob would really like this!
In the video, Xiren describes how using the SOTA Silver Pulser restored his health, how he uses the unit and how it has helped him personally. He also presents a bit of history for perspective, information about Bob Beck, and unique applications for ionic colloidal silver.
Check out “SOTA’s Silver Pulser: Sinus Miracle & My Favorite Way to Beat Colds, Flu, Bronchitis, & Lyme Helper” and tell your friends. Xiren’s engaging approach brings Bob, micropulsing and ionic colloidal silver into present-day 2016 … very clear, comprehensive and compelling. You’ll enjoy Xiren, the graphics and the music (which he composed, by the way).

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Feature Testimonials

After discovering a tick and the classic bull's eye rash, the crippling symptoms of Lyme disease escalated quickly. Colloidal silver to the rescue – clearing all the symptoms!

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We've featured testimonials about the power of the Brain Tuner to diminish addictions and to balance the brain. In this post, you'll read about another Brain Tuner application - as a TENS unit - resulting in the speedy healing of a torn ligament and muscle pain.

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Can microcurrents heal?

In the March 2015 Scientific American cover story, "Electric Cures", neurosurgeon and inventor Kevin Tracey describes a microcurrent device he uses. “It is based on a deceptively simple concept of harnessing the body’s natural reflexes to develop an array of effective, safe and economical alternatives to many pills and injectable drugs.”

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More about Dr. Kevin Tracey’s ground-breaking research on "electronic stimulator devices" and their effect on inflammation and disease in a summary by Gary Stix: “An Electrical Off-Switch for Disease”. A video of Kevin Tracey introducing his research is also featured.

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Bob constantly experimented with health therapies. Shortly before he discovered the research that ultimately led to the Beck Protocol, he developed technology to apply Sound Toning. Bob gave one lecture and published an article in Explore! magazine featuring his brief exploration of Sound Toning and the unique technology he introduced.

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See you in May!


The Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.