Dramatic improvement for man with severe depression

Published: Sat, 01/21/17

Hello Friends:

Welcome to our first issue of the new year. We hope your holiday season was joyous, and 2017 is as well…

This month’s feature testimonial is yet another story with a happy ending. After living with severe depression for years, J.T. felt improvement almost immediately after beginning to use the Brain Tuner: “After day two I noticed I felt better and by day three, I definitely knew I was feeling better.”

We also highlight two popular Facebook posts for you. The first reviews research that “lack of oxygen plays the major role in causing cells to become cancerous.” The second provides case studies of 25 people with 18.5 month-old lesions – unresponsive to healing – that healed within 48 hours of three low-level electrical current applications. Two days is impressive, especially after 18 months, but there’s more: 100% of the lesions were healed. Not a few, not some – but ALL.

We close with Bob Beck’s well-known encouragement to “Take Back Your Power” from his comments at the 1999 Freedom Forum.

Happy Reading,

Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial

Bob Beck's Brain Tuner lifts depression:

Depression can manifest a wide range of symptoms, and J.T.’s experience was no exception. Severe depression, fitful sleep, thoughts of suicide…he describes it as “a living nightmare.” His brother suggested he try the Brain Tuner, and as J.T. puts it, “I just keep feeling better and better every day.”

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Research confirms that "lack of oxygen plays the major role in causing cells to become cancerous."

Pretty stunning, right? "The evidence from these doctors' research is conclusive. Oxygen plays the primary role in health and wellbeing."

Fortunately, those of us who are educated in the Beck Protocol know that one way to boost our oxygen level is simply a matter of bubbling fresh ozone into a glass of drinking water.

Read more about the original research


We've heard of vitamin C and vitamin E as "antioxidants", but what about ultra-low level microcurrents? To test this possibility, researchers monitored 25 patients with lesions that just weren't healing. These lesions had been present for an average of 18.5 months.

The results? 100% of the lesions healed in an average of 48 hours of treatment. Yup. 100%. That's not a typo.

Just one example: "A 53-year-old paraplegic with a stage III ulcer of the right knee present for over 9 months. He had been under his present wound care regime for 3 months with no improvement. After 3 treatments with the ultra-low current electrical device the lesion was completely healed."

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Insights from Bob Beck

I have one four word message for everyone in this room tonight. And my message is this: Take Back Your Power. Now God has given you full control of your own immune system. Your immune system is the foremost defense weapon you have against anything that can go wrong with you.

Bob Beck, 1999 Freedom Forum

See you next month,


Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.