You can help spread the word about Bob – here’s how

Published: Thu, 02/23/17

Hello Friends,

Are you bilingual or even multilingual? can use your help. We’re looking for volunteers willing to translate the Guide to Using the Beck Protocol. One fellow has already offered to translate the Guide into Dutch. We truly appreciate this. If you’re interested, you’ll find more details in this month’s eNews.

Sincere apologies for an interruption in while we changed servers and worked out some ensuing issues. If the site was down when you last checked, it is up and running again. By the way, this interruption included any emails you may have sent, so if you haven’t heard back, please resend.

This month’s eNews includes the regular highlights from Facebook posts including a testimonial feature, articles on oxygen therapy and pulsed electromagnetic therapy, along with a quote from Bob about the electrical nature of our blood.

Happy Reading,

Bob Beck Legacy Team

Feature Testimonial!

8 months of chemo to treat Hodgkin's Lymphoma seemed successful...then the tumors come back. His only hope, he was told, was a Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant, with a 40% chance of survival.

D.B. began regular micropulsing and drinking ionic colloidal silver, supplemented with occasional magnetic pulsing, and two weeks later, the biopsies and scans in preparation for the transplant came back negative for cancer.

D.B. continued the pulsing and silver regimen for 13 weeks, until a CT scan showed no cancer at all. "I feel I am totally cured now."

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Free radicals weaken cells, contributing to the disease of cells. No need to fear this process… oxygen and ozone to the rescue! “Oxygen Therapy: Free Radicals” explains how ozone supports an enzyme system that controls the free radical process.

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What if a non-invasive, non-pharmacological tool – with no known side effects – were available to surgeons to manage postoperative pain and edema? Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) isn't something new, but it's taking a while for mainstream medicine to get on board. This abstract outlines the conclusions of a 2009 study that provides clinicians with "a sound basis for optimal use" of PEMF therapy. Here's hoping they take notice:

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Call for Volunteers

Specifically, we are looking for multilingual volunteers willing to share their translation skills and help spread the word about the Beck Protocol around the world. The Guide to Using the Beck Protocol is a great way to help support people in their health journey. Our first priority is translating The Guide into Spanish, but if you are proficient in any second language, we would love to put your good heart and talents to work on behalf of others. If you are willing and interested, please contact us at [email protected].

Insights from Bob Beck

I was taught like most other people that somehow the immune system made white blood cells, CD4 helper cells, T-cells, leukocytes. And these leukocytes when they spotted germ, bugs, infectious parasites, put out something that was chemical or pharmaceutical that would make the person better. And it has only been discovered a very, very few years ago nothing of the sort happens. That the leukocytes when they sense something in the blood or in the tissue that doesn’t belong there, puts out electrons and the electrons electrocute the bad guys.

Bob Beck, 1999 Freedom Forum

See you next month,


Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.