The Beck Protocol - Does it Really Work?

Published: Sat, 03/25/17

Hello Friends:

An update on last month’s call for volunteer translators:
We’re grateful for the generosity of our readers…thank you for volunteering to help with translations. We’ve had offers for Romanian, Slovene, French, Spanish, Malay and Indonesian! Some of these folks have already started. It’s not too late to join the effort – contact us at [email protected]. We’ll keep you posted!

Happy reading!
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial!

Plagued by an anxiety/stress disorder for more than ten years is hard enough, but dealing with a variety of pharmaceuticals takes quite a toll as well. R.R. turn to the the Brain Tuner, and feels his anxiety levels have reduced 60-70%.

A side benefit? The intense dreams he now experiences..."like action films every night!"


Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Is Diet Important?

An oldie but a goodie! We try to post this at least once a year for new folks.

We often get asked, "Does the Beck Protocol really work?" YES!...
Many individuals have varying degrees of success using the Beck Protocol right up to fully overcoming their health challenge. However, there are some people who find it doesn't live up to what they expected from it, and in a few individuals, it has no effect at all. What makes the difference?

We could look at three different individuals diagnosed with the same health challenge, carrying the same prognosis, who are all treated identically using either conventional or alternative medicine, yet there may be three different outcomes. For one person it may work quickly and be long-lasting. Another person may take months or years to overcome the challenge. For another, it may have no effect whatsoever.

For any type of health therapy, it is important to remember that nothing works for everyone and everything works for someone. We also each start off in a different place. Health status, race, culture, metabolism, current state of the immune system, past and present environmental factors, history, genetics, diet, emotional state, and our belief state are all factors in how we get to our state of dis-ease, how we do or don't get out of the state of dis-ease, and at what speed that occurs.

Regaining health is a journey, and although challenging, is rewarding on so many levels. There are many tools to help you along the way...the Beck Protocol being one of these tools.

Silver, the Hero for Superbug

Finally...with the realization that many antibiotics are less and less effective against evolving pathogents, many hospitals are looking to silver.


Words of Appreciation

Thanks to Bob Beck, I love gave me my life back.

K.S., Germany

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.