Juggling is all about rhythm (and in this case, pulsing)

Published: Wed, 04/12/17

Hello Friends,

First of all – an ALERT! – for Bob Beck eNews Readers: A free online series begins Wednesday, April 12 (9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific) exploring the issue of vaccines – from both sides of the issue. You can find the registration link in our Facebook highlights later in this eNews.

This month, our feature testimonial tells the story of a professional juggler – not to be confused with so many of us who are trying to juggle today’s busy lifestyles! – whose use of pulsed magnetic fields “…has saved my life…”

Facebook highlights include the words of Bob Beck from a presentation he made back in 1994, and the story of Sam Snead, whose macular degeneration was apparently reversed by microcurrent therapy.

Happy Reading,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial!

Juggling is not necessarily as fun as it looks. Years of repetitive motion strains and osteoarthritis took its toll on L.B., a juggler/entertainer from Connecticut. Severe pain became the norm, until a friend presented a gift of a Magnetic Pulser. Says L.B., “Honestly, the Magnetic Pulser has saved my life and is a permanent part of my life. I am so thankful for it.”


Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Online Series Explores Both Sides of the Vaccine Debate

Part of “Take Back Your Power” is educating and informing yourself so you can make the best decisions possible for yourself and your loved ones.

We’ve just learned of a free online series presented Wednesday, April 12 – 18 on a very topical issue, one that is in the news on a daily basis and for which there seems to be a consensus…or is there?

“The Truth About Vaccines” has brought together 60 of the world’s health experts – from both sides of the issue – to discuss the history of vaccines, risks and safety concerns, options and alternatives. This 7-part series begins at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific. Register for access here:

Watch the Series

Can Macular Degeneration Be Reversed?

Age-related Macular Degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in those over the age of 60. Athletes are no exception.

Pro golfer Sam Snead had to give up the Senior Tour at age 85…not because of his ability to play and compete, but because of his failing eyesight. Snead had Macular Degeneration.

After a series of microcurrent stimulation treatments, his vision was so improved that Snead went back on tour. He also regained his driver’s license.



In His Own Words: Bob Beck’s own explanation of how
Pulsed Magnetic Fields work

…from the 1994 Global Sciences Conference:

“…when you have a time-varying magnetic field, an impulse, the conductive tissue , as long as we are alive our body is 80% salt water, our blood, all of our tissues—if we were mummified as if dried out on the desert—we wouldn’t be an excellent conductor like we are right now. But a magnetic field, the flux from the magnetic field meets conductive tissue which is every cell in your body and back EMF (electromotive force), is generated which puts the desired 100 microamperes, 100 millionth of an ampere, through the tissue and ruins the outer transcriptase of the outer protein layer and those cells are just as good as dead. They are going to float around for awhile and it does no damage to healthy cells whatsoever.”


Words of Appreciation

“I am absolutely convinced that the Beck units have stopped the RA [Rheumatoid Arthritis] dead in its tracks.”

J.S., Illinois, USA

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.