The Road to “Normal” (via Bob Beck)

Published: Tue, 10/18/16

Hello Friends:

There are times when “feeling normal” can seem like such an impossible, faraway dream. For Wayne, dealing with Hep C for over 35 years had taken its toll, and along with it, his hope for normalcy. In October’s Feature Testimonial, you’ll meet Wayne and learn how he finally found “normal” again.

We also bring you research from Aberdeen University showing dramatic improvements in healing time due to… wait for it… the use of electric fields! Who would have thought it?!

Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial!

Wayne suffered for decades from the debilitating effects of Hepatitis C: fatigue, headaches, liver inflammation, and more. Then out of the blue, a friend mentions the Silver Pulser… Wayne’s energy is restored and he has his life back thanks to blood electrification, magnetic pulsing and drinking colloidal silver. “I’m feeling so much healthier… I just feel like a “normal person”.

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

We first shared this over a year ago, but like to remind everyone of a very good resource, especially for newcomers!

Interested in the Beck Protocol but not sure where to begin? The Guide to Using the Beck Protocol will help you get started.

Filled with information on each unit, suggestions for using for general health and suggestions for using if you are dealing with a major health challenge, the Guide is yet another tool to help each of us better understand the Beck Protocol.

Download the Guide (pdf)

Is it possible to speed up the healing of injuries or wounds to mere hours instead of days?

An international team of scientists led by Aberdeen University explains how they were able to speed up wound healing by a staggering 50%! How? Using electrical fields.

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Personal Insights

"Life is an arena for us all. I know from very real experience that we must gain the knowledge of natural cures and tools."

C.N., New Mexico, USA

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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