Beck Protocol brings a Lyme sufferer to full health

Published: Sat, 12/24/16

Hello Friends:

Our end-of-year edition is brimming with a wide-spectrum of content. This month’s feature testimonial is about Jill’s journey from suffering with Lyme Disease to “100% better” after following the Beck Protocol.

Some of our favorite Facebook posts are here for you as well…microcurrent therapy for the eyes; a focus on Ozone; and PEMF 101- the basics on pulsed
electro-magnetic fields.

We end this issue with the wisdom of Bob Beck, on a very appropriate theme for this time of year…gratitude.

Happy holidays, and we’ll see you in 2017.

Bob Beck Legacy Team

A Holiday Greeting

Volunteering at the Bob Beck Legacy is a labor of love. It's our honor to be the caretakers of the work of an inspirational man like Bob, and a special privilege to be able to share his message of hope and empowerment.

Thank you for the support and encouragement you've shown us this past year; your good wishes continue to motivate us and strengthen our resolve to advance Bob's vision and good works. We're grateful to you, and wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season, followed by a new year filled with an abundance of health and happiness.

This Month’s Feature Testimonial

After several faulty diagnoses, Jill finally figured out she'd been suffering from Lyme Disease. Traditional treatments to alleviate symptoms didn't provide ongoing relief. Jill’s mom to the rescue! Mom discovered the Beck Protocol, and encouraged her to give it a try for three months.

"After the third month, it was like everything just clicked and I started feeling great. Little by little, I was regaining my health...After doing the Beck Protocol for about a year, I was totally free from a lot of the symptoms. I felt 100% better."

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Ophthalmologist and homeopathic physician Dr. Edward Kondrot goes beyond traditional eye care to advocate for microcurrent therapy – not only for the eyes but for other diseases and conditions as well. Dr. Kondrot believes microcurrents "...act as catalyst to restore the body."

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Mother Nature doesn't make mistakes...ozone has a key role in the life of our planet. "Mr. Oxygen" Ed McCabe, author of "Flood Your Body with Oxygen" and "O2xygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease," walks us through the many positive impacts of Oxygen and Ozone, as well as the impending downside of the depletion of the Earth's ozone layer.

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Dr. William Pawluk, recognized specialist in pulsed electro-magnetic fields (PEMF), provides the basics for anyone new to the use of this technology for health. Think of it as “PEMF 101.”

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Insights from Bob Beck

God has been exceedingly good to me. I think I am going about my Father's business here and I am paying for it myself and I am giving it to the world.

Bob Beck, Granada Forum, 1995

See you next month,


Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.