Are you celebrating who you are?

Published: Thu, 12/28/17

Hello Friends,

Our first featured testimonial inspires us to journal. It’s a written record of a reader’s experience using the Silver Pulser for micropulsing and colloidal silver. He kept a journal of his observations over more than a month. It’s interesting reading, and if you aren’t already documenting your experiences, it might be something to consider. Bottom line, S.O. says: “ …I am very impressed with using the Dr. Beck protocol.”
Next, read about one reader’s experience using the Brain Tuner. For him, a magnesium supplement and Brain Tuner session equal a good night’s sleep:  I felt like I’d just had a full body massage and slept with the angels.”
You’ll also read a heartfelt message from a fellow reader and highlights from recent Facebook posts. Be sure to check out the post on “Winter Blues” – it includes links to info on a special holiday offer from our friends at SOTA for a new product they are carrying - the YumaLite...only a few days left!
We sincerely wish you and yours a new year filled with peace and an abundance of joy and good health.

Happy Reading,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonials!

Micropulsing and Colloidal Silver Journal

People turn to the Beck units for a variety of reasons… Maybe there’s something in particular they want to focus on; maybe they want to maintain their already good health; maybe it’s just an interest in the technology or an effort to “Take Back Your Power”.

Regardless of the reason, the benefits people share with us are sometimes unanticipated and unexpected — yet very welcome.

 Read the story of S.O., who observes, “Overall, I ‘feel’ differently (cleaner and healthier) and have spontaneously made lifestyle changes such as a change to my diet…Clearly the combined micropulsing and Silver Water have had a noticeable impact on a wide variety of external conditions…”

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Sleeping with the Angels

B.H. finds relief from a lifetime of depression and anxiety with the Brain Tuner and some lifestyle changes. Learn more:

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

What is electroporation/transfection and should I be concerned?

The idea of electroporation (sometimes called “transfection”, which isn’t quite the same thing) has taken on a life of its own.

By definition, electroporation is a transfection method that uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cell membranes, through which substances can pass into the cells. Electroporation is the method, and transfection is the result—transferring material into cells. In fact, transfection is happening all the time; cells open and close pores regularly to take in nutrients and expel waste. Electroporation, however, is more of a ‘forced’ transfection. It’s beyond what occurs naturally.

Here’s the real story behind how electroporation became an issue with micropulsing:

Back in the early 1990s, a paper authored by research scientist James C. Weaver was presented to Bob. This paper discussed the idea that electricity could possibly multiply substances in the bloodstream when the electricity is applied to the cells.

There was initial concern that microcurrents might be able to trigger electroporation. For people taking prescriptions or other potentially toxic substances, the concern was that the effect of these substances might get multiplied by the electroporation effect—as cells would open up to absorb more of the substance.

What’s often overlooked is that the Weaver study clearly states electroporation takes place at 200 V/cm2 (Volts per centimeter squared). The Beck blood electrifier output is only 7 V/cm2… not even close to what Weaver states is required. Because of this, electroporation is not an issue with the Beck Protocol.

This technology has been available to the public for over 20 years with no incidents of electroporation due to use of a Beck unit. It’s our understanding that when the issue first came up, Bob felt it was best to be cautious and suggested taking the prescription drugs after micropulsing to minimize exposure, and that advice is always something you can take advantage of if you’re feeling that’s the best course of action for you.

Back to the question—even though thousands of individuals who micropulse have never experienced electroporation with over more than two decades of use, nevertheless, electroporation has become something of an urban legend. It is misinformation. Electroporation and/or transfection is NOT an issue when using any of the Beck units.

Magnetic Therapy and Medical Research

In “Laws of Attraction,” reporter Alex Murray introduces his review of medical research from around the globe. Murray says, “Doctors used to dismiss magnetic therapy as ancient quackery, until they discovered that it really can help wounds to heal faster, treat epilepsy and even ease depression.”
He also provides an awesome list of health problems for which magnetic therapy is effective:

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Just what is "Microcurrent Stimulation Therapy?"

In his report posted in “Therapies, Treatments, and Procedures,” Dan Roberts provides an independent look at using microcurrents for eye conditions.

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Light Therapy for "Winter Blues"

You may already know Bob had a keen interest in the use of light to help the body heal. He had many books in his collection on that very topic. We are certain he would have developed such a product had his time on this Earth not run out.

We have it on good authority the folks over at SOTA Instruments have just added a second light device to their product line, and we thought you'd like to know.

Their description: The YumaLite is an LED light visor that is wore during times of reduced sun exposure - like during the winter months or if you work indoors all day. The human body functions better when there's a balanced exposure to the light spectrum, so YumaLite helps with "winter blues" and low energy that's often associated with low exposure to sunshine. The YumaLite also outputs a RED light to help counteract the effects of blue light exposure from computer screens and mobile devices.

MORE GOOD NEWS! We also learned that SOTA is offering special introductory pricing for the YumaLite during the month of December, as well as an even deeper discount on the purchase of a second unit (Model YL1). This offer isn't available at the website, so for details, give SOTA a call. You may wish to visit the SOTA Instruments Facebook page for more details:

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Words of Appreciation

And the world owes Dr. Robert Beck a huge vote of gratitude posthumously. He has left a wonderful legacy."

~I.V., Ontario, Canada

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.