40 minutes journey from excruciating pain to relief

Published: Sun, 01/28/18

Hello Friends,

This month’s feature testimonial is from a reader in Saskatchewan, Canada, who started magnetic pulsing in hopes of minimizing pain from a crushed hand injury. In attempting to manage the excruciating pain, he felt, "I thought I had nothing to lose..."

Imagine his surprise when the pain subsided after just one 40-minute session!

You’ll also read of Bob Beck’s observations on ozone and ozonated water as well as highlights from recent Facebook posts.

Happy Reading,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial

One Session and the “pain subsided”

A painful hand injury – possibly fractured – benefits from pulsed magnetic fields. Immediately after the first 20-minute session the “pain subsided.” After two weeks of use, no more pain or swelling.

Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Tissue Regeneration and Wound Healing with Microcurrents

Tissue regeneration and wound healing with microcurrents isn't something new... some therapies go back as far as 3000BC! As far as "modern medicine" is concerned, though, it's a relatively new strategy.

In this presentation, Dr. Steven Kaye walks us through his personal experiences over 30 years in researching electric fields, including working alongside microcurrent pioneer Robert O. Becker.

Magnetic Fields to Alleviate Anxiety

Anxiety or fears — flying, heights, spiders, you name it — are typically addressed by cognitive behaviorial therapy. Although very successful with many individuals, the degree of success can vary greatly.

Researchers at the Würzburg University Hospital, in Würzburg, Germany, have studied the application of magnetic fields to the frontal lobe of the brain, followed by traditional cognitive therapy. They found the response to therapy was accelerated by the magnetic field… even three months afterward.

Read more about the study, including the use of “virtual reality” simulations in cognitive therapy.

The Wisdom of Bob Beck

"Recent reevaluation of ozone suggests that while it is controversial as a stand-alone therapy, O3 when digested in water... provides a truly remarkable boost to total system oxygenation, plus natural and rapid detoxification. Measurements show dramatic increases in blood oxygen within minutes..."

Source: A New Paradigm for Instant Healing, Copyright 1998, Robert C. Beck, D.S.C., USA.

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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