Beck Protocol aids woman in healing her cancer

Published: Wed, 03/28/18

Hello Friends,

We feature two testimonials this month. The first is from a woman who defeated an ovarian cancer threat with the Bob Beck Protocol. In the second, you'll learn about a gentleman who learned through experience how not to use colloidal silver, even though he feels better than ever at 80 years old.

You'll also read one woman's words of appreciation to Bob Beck as well as highlights from recent Facebook posts.

Happy Reading,

Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonials

Beck Protocol Zaps Cancer Threat in Six Weeks

Read more about the Canadian who found her own path from cancer scare to wellness through use of the Bob Beck Protocol.

Blue Skin but Feeling Great

Is Argyria a myth or an urban legend? What's the truth?

Read about 80-year young F.P.'s experience with argyria, the protocol he uses, and what he's learned.

Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

How Does Ionic Colloidal Silver Work?

More commonly known as colloidal silver, put very simply it interrupts the bacteria cell’s ability to form the needed chemical bonds to reproduce. These bonds make up the cell’s physical structure so when bacteria meets silver, the bacterial cell literally falls apart. It doesn’t bother mammalian cells because our cell walls are too thick.

Does it harm beneficial bacteria? Truthfully, we don’t know for sure. Only one individual we know did a test. His observations were that it seemed to stun the good bacteria, but shortly afterward the good bacteria would start to move again if left alone. It is not conclusive, but this may mean that silver can differentiate somehow, just as a bioelectric magnetic field seems to leave healthy cells alone. To err on the side of caution, consider using a good quality probiotic to ensure good, healthy gut flora.

Lucid Dreaming with Brain Tuner Use

An interesting “side-effect” for some when using the Bob Beck Brain Tuner (also called the Bio Tuner,) is “lucid dreaming.”

While some spiritual seekers specifically covet this effect, it can be potentially unsettling for those not expecting it.

Lucid dreaming occurs when one is asleep. It is the state of being fully aware one is dreaming. It gives the dreamer the ability to be self-aware and control the dream.

In a recent Popular Science article, “Electrical Stimulation of Brain Could Induce Lucid Dreaming,” they cite specific frequencies at 25 and 40 Hz that seem to induce the experience. However, long before the article was written this was a well reported side-effect of the Beck Brain Tuner at 111.11 Hz.

Bob is recorded during an informal lecture about the development of the Brain Tuner and can be heard at:


Words of Appreciation

“If I could talk to Bob Beck or meet him, first off I’d give him a big hug and thank him profusely for changing my life and for his sharing his amazing information with the world. He made me into a believer. I’d tell him that after years of avoiding science in school I now can’t get enough of physics and am fascinated by electricity.

My life has changed for the better in that my mind is now completely open to new ways of healing and I feel excellent! I am very grateful.”


P.V. Ontario, Canada

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.