Recovery from surgery benefits from a multi-faceted approach

Published: Mon, 06/26/17

Hello Friends,

This month, our feature testimonial tells the story of a Canadian from British Columbia who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and the dramatic impact of colloidal silver and micropulsing in her recovery. Her medical team is on board, too: “The specialist and my regular doctor are very much in favor of me continuing with this treatment.”

Facebook highlights include ozone therapy in use in Cuba, research that colloidal silver is more effective than traditional strategies in addressing cancer, and for fun, a Bob Beck selfie from 1961 (before anyone knew what a “selfie” was).

Happy Reading,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonial!

Doctors Support Use of Micropulsing & Silver

This month, our feature testimonial tells the story of a Canadian from British Columbia who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and how colloidal silver and micropulsing supported her recovery after surgery. Her medical team is on board, too: “The specialist and my regular doctor are very much in favor of me continuing with this treatment.”

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Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

Ozone Therapy in Cuba

While ozone has not been adopted in medical circles in North America, it is well-accepted in some European countries as well as Cuba.

An article by Nathaniel Altman, “Ozone in Medicine: A Cuban Success Story (Part 1),” describes the use of ozone treatments in Cuba. Altman provides great information on the healing effects of ozone.

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Bob’s 1961 Selfie… Once again, ahead of his time.

When did the "selfie" start? Some say 2005 with My Space, some say 2010 with iPhone. Officially it was recognized by Oxford in 2013.

Whatever your opinion may be, here's something that can't be disputed: Bob Beck was clearly ahead of his time. Check out this recently-discovered selfie from 1961!


Silver Bullet for Cancer?

The headline from the U.K.'s Daily Mail says it all: “Silver bullet for cancer: Metal can kill some tumours better than chemotherapy with fewer side effects.”

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Words of Appreciation

"If I have a pain, I go get my Pulser, and the pain goes away. I love my Magnetic Pulser!"

E.F., Louisiana, USA

See you next month,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.