At death’s door, Bela the Cat survives – thanks to colloidal silver

Published: Mon, 07/16/18

Hello Friends,

We have a super jam-packed issue this month, featuring three new testimonials. 

The first is from a woman who works as a sports therapist for horses. “I’ve tried many traditional and alternative methods with my injuries. I believe magnetic pulsing is the most convenient, fast, and effective method I’ve used.”

In the second testimonial, Bela the Cat almost used up her nine lives — but survived and thrives — with the help of ionic colloidal silver.  

Our third testimonial features the story of a woman who lived with depression and anxiety her entire life. Then she discovered the Brain Tuner. “For me, the effects were felt the very same evening. For the first time in my life, I fell asleep quickly and had an uninterrupted night of sleep.”

Her husband chimes in, “I am not exaggerating—after ONE day, she felt something change—it’s inexplicable. It's like having a new life."

You’ll also read highlights from recent Facebook posts. 

Happy Reading,
Bob Beck Legacy Team

This Month’s Feature Testimonials

Pulsed Magnetic Fields Aid Pain and Healing

When you’re an equine sports therapist working with horses on a daily basis, injuries are to be expected. Addressing inflammation, trauma and pain are keys to being available for your work, and this woman found a solution in pulsed magnetic fields.

Colloidal Silver Saves Wounded Cat

A wounded cat may not be an obvious candidate for colloidal silver, but its healing properties work wonders for our four-legged friends, too. 

Read about Bela, and her ‘incredible journey’: 



Brain Tuner Brings Woman "A New Life"

How to reclaim your life from anxiety and depression? Harmonic frequencies provided by the Brain Tuner the answer for C.L.

Read about her transformation to feeling ‘normal’ again: 


Highlights from Recent Facebook Posts

“Total Cancer Recoveries with Blood Electrification and Silver Colloid Ingestion” – an article by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. 

What do being struck by lightning, illegal human experiments in Utah, and spontaneous remissions of numerous diseases (including cancer) have in common? 

Dr. Robert Beck explains the links and that it’s possible— with no medications or invasive techniques or doctors— for pathogens, viruses, microbes, parasites and fungi to simply “disappear”: 


Repairing Brain Damage with Electrical Fields 

Imagine… using electric fields to direct stem cells to areas they are needed to regenerate and heal brain damage.

What sounds like a chapter out of a science fiction novel is looking like reality, according to research performed by the University of California, Davis in collaboration with scientists in Shanghai, China. 

Just think of the possibilities for those with brain damage, strokes, or other brain injuries! This is exciting work by U.C. Davis’ School of Medicine at their “Institute for Regenerative Cures” (they even have an exciting, positive name!). 


Healing spinal cord injuries w/electric currents 

In a few years, everyone could have an electric device for speeding up wound-healing in their first aid box, a sort of electronic witch hazel.” 

This likely isn’t a surprise to readers…Bob’s units have been around for a couple of decades now.

To make this more interesting, however, is the research into stimulating the healing of broken spinal cords with electric currents. Clinical trials produced dramatic improvements in patients paralyzed by spinal injuries. 



Words of Appreciation

 “Thank you for your strength to share this, and your knowledge.. You are a God send to me..”

Cindy Lu Roman

See you next month!

Bob Beck Legacy Team

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Disclaimer: Please understand we are not health practitioners. By reading the information in this newsletter and the website you are agreeing that you take full responsibility for any decision you make because of it. Any information shared is based on science, hearsay, testimonials, lay people and professionals. The content provided in this newsletter and on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your health practitioner. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.