What if I told You they lied to you about Cancer too?

Published: Fri, 10/05/18


What You thought About Cancer is False

(Cancer is an Industry)


A million people are diagnosed with "Cancer" every year in amerikkka, and the medical 
establishment realizes an average of $100,000 per person, or about 10% of its annual income,

  • 2nd only to the income from performing "tests and examinations."  
Despite the above, 9 out of 10 people (90%) diagnosed with cancer
"Do Not, in fact have cancer 
but tumors," which are non-toxic and the body routinely eliminates during a 2 to 5 week 'therapeutic fast.'
Understand that the innate intelligence of the body Always takes steps to survive.
The body heals itself, as long as it has the nerve energy to do so.
When the body cannot eliminate toxic materials , it strives to isolate them from vital functions
by forming sacs, called cysts, polyps, wens, tumors, etc.
***From one of my favorite Books - The Nature & Purpose of Disease By Henry L.N Anderson
Also Referenced in: (Click The Titles)
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Bro Kwkeu/Gary