Announcing (We Have Books Again)

Published: Fri, 08/30/19

Black Power Productions
Just In....
We are Excited to announce we are again selling books.

As you probably know, the company we used to get our books from was no longer around. Now we are happy to say they are back and as a result we can take your orders for books. 

There is one small thing. We do Not stock books any longer, so when placing your orders, we will only honor orders of 5 copies or more. This can be 5 of the sme title orr a combination of titles. 

Many have asked about 'Let The Circle Be Unbroken' By Marimba Ani YES we can get that. As a matter of fact someone just ordered 20. 

Will be out of town for a week and a half starting September 9th, so if you need books, Please place your order ASAP so I can get it out to you next weeks.
Click Here To Place Your Order Now 
If you have Any question about ordering books, Please reply to this email, or give me a call.
Bro Gary/Kweku Black Power Productions