Spit Your Gum Out NOW

Published: Mon, 09/02/19

Greetings ,
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum contains over 30 ingredients, which ar NOt listed on the label. FDA does Not require a list of ingredients. Many shipments of chewing gum industry's gum bases have high dirt levels, which include rat manure and insects. Chewing gum is 60% white sugar with 2 teaspoons of sugar per stick.

Chewing gum reduces the acid in the stomach and hampers digestion. It raises the sugar content of saliva and causes a negative  chain reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, as the stomach gets ready for food that never comes. It is categorized as a food probably because most of it is accidentally swallowed.
Chewing Gum 
(Same Ingredients as Commercial Toothpaste)
  Ingredient  Harmful Effect
 BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole)  Cancer 
 BHT Butylated Hydroxyl toulene  Cancer
 Plasticizers  Solvent (dissolves skin), Digestive problems 
 Asparatame  Nerve damage, Cancer Cysts, Tumors
 Polysobutylene (lighter fluid)  Solvent, skin irritant, Suffocation
 Polyterpene (turpentine)  Respiratory failure (death), skin irritant
 Aluminum   Brain Damage, Clogs glands
 Propyl Gallate  Skin irritant
 Polyvinyl Acetate  Damages lungs & Kidneys, Tumors
 Coal Tar  Cancer Degenerative Diseases
 Wood Tar  Cancer, Insanity
 Petroleum Tar  Cancer, Degenerative disease
 Paraffin  Cancer, Degenerative disease 
 Approved non-food dirt
(Dead insects, rat manure, filth)
 Unspecified ingredients (Over 20 Not Listed)  Unknown
 White Sugar (Corn Syrup dextrose, maltose,  dextrin, etc.  Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Blindness,  Addiction, Cancer 
 Dyes  Cancer 
Information Above is From The Book: ==> African Holistic Health By: Dr Llaila Afrika
Other Suggested Reading: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients by Ruth Winter

Reminder: Your FDA says ingredients DO NOT have to be listed on the package.

Thank You for Reading Pass on The Info!
Bro Gary Black Power Productions  #917-362-7170