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(Warning) Be Careful when eating out

Published: Tue, 10/02/18

Greetings Seeing this post reminded me of my mother telling us not to trust these people cooking and handling your food in these restaurants.'Till…

This will help you with any problem

Published: Mon, 10/01/18

Hope all is well Please Read There was once a monk who would carry a mirror wherever he went. A priest noticed this one day and thought to himself…

Mental Freedom in Only 5 Minutes

Published: Sat, 09/08/18

Five Minutes To Spiritual Freedom Click HERE To Listen Peace, The clip Above is Only 5 minutes, but the information within that short time span is so…

I'm Really wondering about you

Published: Sun, 08/12/18

How's it going What was it you didn't like about NuMedia?I saves 90% of people $50 to $100 per month just by being a user.You get the…

(Urgent) Live Conference Call in 20 minutes

Published: Wed, 08/08/18

Hi I don't mean to be too blunt, but seriously.I think you're missing it.If you just took the time to understand what we do you'd be like,"Why didn't…

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