Sandra's Tips - Best time to write

Published: Tue, 06/27/17


An illusion all writers suffer under:

"If only I could write at XXX time, I'd be so productive"

I've been asking new subscribers and long-time clients when they write. Although most of us writers seem to wake up brimming with ideas, some writers' minds gather steam as the day goes on and write better later.

I loved this response, from new subscriber Grace: "Night time from me - have tried writing in the early morning - sounds so good, so PROPER  to get up early and write. Yet I'm still groggy from sleep. Doesn't help."

There is no PROPER time to write. In fact, the BIGGEST issue is how to sneak time in and around other activities and responsibilities. 

Here are some tricks:

Carving out YOUR Best Time to Write:

1. Earlybirds: One client, a working single mother of two, sets her clock radio an hour earlier than her kids get up. She gets an hour of writing done in the quiet of the morning before the cereal flies and they all rush off for their day. 

2. Happy Hour: One working father uses the first hour after work as his writer's version of "happy hour." Each member of the family takes that as alone time to do something they personally enjoy, a decompression period between work (or school) and evening tasks. He says they are all happier for having that bit of special "me" time.

3. Story Time: Another client takes the time between the news and before his favorite TV programs for his personal "story writing" time. The close of the news program became his trigger to head for his writing.

4. Night Owls: If your creative juices prefer the late hours, great! But don't wait for inspiration. Plan the actual time you'll sit down with a favorite beverage or music and dedicate that daily time to write.

5. Going On the Clock: If you need to cram in your writing in short spaces, that's fine! Make those short times the most productive by setting a timer. You hear "Tick, tick, tick" or see the seconds flying by and your brain kicks into gear. You'll soon find yourself making better use of those short periods.

6. Snatches Count: Do you wait for a bus each day? Maybe commute by train? Have a twenty minute break daily? Keep your notebook or laptop handy and look forward to snatching those bits of time. They add up Big Time!

7. Give Up: No, not on the writing! Give up on something that (let's be honest) you really don't want to do anyway. Use that time to write instead.  Tell anyone who objects, "Sorry, I wish I could, but I have a commitment then." And you do have: it's called writing!

Do you have a favorite time for writing or sneaky way to get it done? Let me know. I always love learning and sharing the secrets that help people become better writers.

My Best,

Sandra Haven, Editor

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