Sandra's Tips - Finding--or Grasping?-- Opportunities

Published: Tue, 11/28/17


Fall fell on me faster than I was ready for it.  Not only did the rains hit my area with a vengeance (I can hear the thumps on the roof as I write), but manuscripts poured in as well.

I have NO complaints on the latter and even the rain offers a chance to hunker down and get my work done faster as I avoid the desire to "play in the sun" since we have none! So it's all good. But even better is when new opportunities pop up...

I had a surprise opportunity come my way this month. I'd set up my profile on LinkedIn to showcase the work I do as a developmental editor, which attracts new writing clients to me. But last week I received an offer--and accepted it!--from Crooked Lane Books to become one of their freelance developmental editors. Out of the blue! Or was it really out of the blue?

It turns out that they publish only crime fiction. Most of my clients are either mystery writers or SF/F writers. My name has been associated with successful books in those areas.

Result: The more I position myself in my niche, writing articles in that niche, and joining in on Twitter, FaceBook, etc. in my areas of interest, the more likely that opportunities can find me.  

Position yourself for opportunities

Expanding Your Horizons

Here are ways that you can expand YOUR horizons in ways that can relate to your writing and open you to opportunities:
  • Social Media - Yes, I know not everyone likes social media and, to be honest, FaceBook is still hard for me to figure out! But there are multiple forms of social media, which attract various types of people (aka readers). So explore these, if you haven't already. Each one has groups or circles or some method of honing in on specific topics of interest. Find the areas that are related to what you write about. Join in to learn what these potential readers are talking about and to begin to form a community of people who know about your writing skills. For instance, Susan Furlong has over 10,000 twitter followers--meaning a ready-made marketing venue for her latest book, Splintered Silence, coming out next month.
    • FaceBook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Google+
    • Medium
  • Book Clubs - Find book clubs in your area and visit one. Learn how readers discuss the books, what they want to grasp from their reading. You might be surprised at what they prefer. Ask how they choose their selections, like what criteria are important to them. This may not open you to a writing gig, but this information can help you see how your own stories might better serve readers. 
  • Volunteer (and get paying work too) - as a writer, you ARE in demand. Because, honestly, most people do NOT like to write. Yet every organization needs writers for their information, brochures, notes for meeting minutes, etc. Volunteer to help write for them. Some groups might pay a bit for your help too, but just being known as the group's writer is a bonus. Because some members will have their own business and writing needs or know others who do. You not only can increase your skills but find opportunities for yourself even as you benefit a worthy cause. Just a few examples:
    • Animal rights groups
    • Civic groups
    • Charities
    • Environmental groups
    • Religious organizations
    • Hobby/sport groups
  • Libraries - Librarians are a resource that can't be taken for granted. Ask how you can help them. Be willing to spend a few hours helping out at your library and get chummy with the staff. You'll pick up a gold mine of ideas and be helping bolster a wonderful resource for readers. Like Daniel Rosenberg, who discovered his state library organization had an annual competition for  first-time self-published authors. He entered his book--and won!
Have You Found Hidden Opportunities?
Have you found opportunities for writing through other sources that surprised you? Let me know and I'll share it in a future newsletter.
Would you like some ideas to get your story off the ground? Or help to polish it until it shines?  Drop me a note and let's talk!

My Best,
PS. If you think your writer friends would enjoy this newsletter, please share it. Thanks!
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Contact me and let me know what's on your mind. I always love to hear from you.


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