Sandra's Tips - Hammers and Nails for writers!

Published: Fri, 12/15/17


Here are a few ideas on great tools to help your writing this coming year. Some are free (I love 'em!). Some cost something (but might be worth it, if it fills a specific need for you). 

WARNING: Tools cost money (sometimes) and time (always). Be sure the time you need to invest in learning to use a tool will be worthwhile and not a distraction for what is most important--getting your story written!

The Short List
For my newest subscribers, I've sent them my own short but sweet favorite tool suggestions for writers, but a few of you who signed up previously may not have seen it. Although it is great for series writers, these SAME tools are all any writer really needs to get going:

Series Writing Tools 
Click here to open it, download it, save it or print it.

Want More?
Here are some articles to lead you skipping down the merry path of MORE:

This is a list of the best writing software programs (for getting your story input), from Techradar:  The best free software for writers 2017

My take on this:  Microsoft Word is the industry stand-by for writing input. Open Office is just as good and is a free program (and you can save the files as if they came from Word). Scrivener is a better choice if you want it BOTH for writing and organizing the material, research, chapters, etc.

If being distracted by menu bars, etc. is an issue, maybe (?) you want a distraction-free writing space. Gizmodo has these suggestions but ONLY if that is a reason your writing isn't getting done: Nine Minimal Word Processing Apps for Distraction-free Writing.

My take on this:  Remember the days when we started with a blank piece of paper? If the menus, etc. on a computer screen distract you, try one of these tools. However, like ads, personally I don't see them anymore. That is, until I need one and then they are pretty handy. So ONLY look at that list if needing a "blank page" is really important to your productivity (and I know it is for some).

Most of us have no trouble coming up with ideas but what about how to capture notes? From is this list of 10 of The Most Powerful Writing Tools for Bloggers

My take on this:  My go-to tools that are on that list (which are on my short list as well) are: 
  • Evernote (to jot down the notes or link to an article, etc. no matter where you are)
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking (to dictate your ideas when you can write it or want to save time)
  • Scrivener (to save those ideas and easily organize them later)

Here is a list from WriteToDone of: 67 Top Tools for Writers and Bloggers in 2018

My take on this:  Just remember: 

Tools are handy--
But the most effective way to
get your writing done
is to sit down and write!

I’m excited to hear how any of these various tools help you to get your story written.

Do you have any tips or tricks YOU use that aren't listed? Let me know! 
Would you like some ideas to get your story off the ground? Or help to polish it until it shines?  Drop me a note and let's talk!

My Best,
PS. If you think your writer friends would enjoy this newsletter, please share it. Thanks!
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Contact me and let me know what's on your mind. I always love to hear from you.


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