Sandra's Tips - A Bonus and Question

Published: Sat, 01/27/18


Okay, I've been VERY busy. And, as a result, I have some great information and links for you.

And I have a question for you as well.

It started simply enough: writers have been asking me how to get their books published after we've gone through the editing process. It seemed like a simple enough question to answer. I've seen numerous writers attract agents, find publishers, or self-publish. All I needed to do was to give an overview of these options so that new writers have a grasp what they might want to do. However ...

Nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

Coming soon ...
My little explanation has turned into a full-fledged book. One of the most exciting parts of it is that I've included the stories of various clients and writing friends who have gone different paths in publication. These stories are true life experiences that put a real and personal perspective on some of the options available to writers.

I Have a Question for You:
Is there a particular area of the publishing process that you might need help with? Let me know what that might be so that I can help you with your individual problem right now.  I can also then include that information in the book to help others who may be struggling to find the the same answer. 

SEND ME AN EMAIL right now and let's discuss your current problem.

In the process, my research for the book has netted me a variety of interesting articles and resources.
I'd love to share these with you, and here is a brief list:

​​​​​​​Small Press Success:
Emily Wenstrom recently  wrote this article about 7 Lessons From Publishing My Book With a Small Press
that shows both how small presses can be great alternatives for writers and an understanding of how this one publisher works.

What's the Book Market Doing?
AuthorEarnings has just released its January 2018 Report: US online book sales. This is a very long, but highly insightful, article. It provides statistics by book format, genre, publisher and even by top grossing author! No surprise to most of us: ebooks are growing steadily and a "new guard" of authors is taking over.

Make Money Writing?
Yes, you can, and article writing--and getting paid for it--is not dead. See Carol Tices' article Earn Money Online: Monster List of 161 Markets for Freelance Writers

Get Yourself in Gear
The iCreateDaily team has come up with an inexpensive and useful tool to help all creatives (writers, artists, etc.) get and keep on track.  Check out their $9 tool to help you in your writing life.

Tool Up
For those who have been interested in the writing/organizing/conversion tool called Scrivener, there is a coupon code to save you $9 now on buying it. At only $45 to start with it is a real bargain, but to save $9, just enter COFFEETIME at the checkout. They have a version for Macs and a version for Windows now too! (Thanks to Peter Calabrese for this tip!)

I’m excited to share these resources above.

I'm even more excited to hear any questions from you about your current publishing process. Do you have any question? Let me know
Would you like some ideas to get your story off the ground?   Drop me a note and let's talk!

My Best,
PS. If you think your writer friends would enjoy this newsletter, please share it. Thanks!
Questions? Feedback?

Contact me and let me know what's on your mind. I always love to hear from you.


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