Sandra's Tips: Going Dark - It's a Sign!

Published: Mon, 08/21/17


As the eclipse looms ... Do you believe in astrology? Or science? Or something in between? Our something beyond them all?

Those of you in the belt for the eclipse may be bracing for the eclipse in a couple hours. Those not in that area, well, not so much.

Which is my point:

Even simple or natural events can have a huge impact for some. 

The darkening of the sun may be a sign of, well, something important. Or not.

My changing web hosting services might effect some people briefly. Or not (hoping for the "not").

Life is full of variables and even just knowing what they are, can help you navigate the publishing world.

Here are three things that are looming on the horizon even after the eclipse:
  • Discover (and use!) the 2017 predicted publishing trends that are proving themselves out. 

  • New sub-genres. If you are niching into your audience (and most of you are), here are some sources about sub-genres in the SF/F field that can help you find the perfect audience:

  • ​​​​​​​I'm going dark. Well, I'm at least changing my websites to a new host this week and that MAY mean my websites and/or emails might be briefly impacted. So if you miss me for a day, not to worry--I'll be back online soon. Desperate to contact me in the meantime? Email me here.

That's all for this time--heading out to see the eclipse. Or is that to NOT see the sun? Hmm... 

My Best,


Questions? Click here to ask! 

P.O. Box 621, Port Hadlock, WA 98339, USA