Bustle & Sew: Rabbits and Farm Fresh Eggs....

Published: Sun, 04/01/12

Bustle & Sew Newsletter   1 April 2012
I thought that today I'd share a project failure with you - and how I managed to salvage most of my work - plus there's a free pattern at the end of this newsletter.  But - first things first ....
One or two people may remember that way back in the early autumn I started to make my first-ever quilt, using my Four Seasons Bunnies pattern based on drawings by Nakisha Elsje VanderHoeven. I haven't mentioned this project for a very long time as I have been trying to forget all about it.

Initially all went well - I had great fun choosing the fabrics and enjoyed piecing the top ... but then difficulties set in. I had a ripple - no, not a ripple - a great big tidal wave - in the sashing. I decided to ignore this and persevere, but as I am sure more experienced quilters could have told me - I was only heading for even greater disaster. Of course in the end the whole thing became a dreadful mess, so I simply chucked it into the back of my fabric cupboard and tried to pretend it didn't exist. I succeeded for a very long time, several months in fact, until I went hunting for fabrics to put together this Dandelion Patchwork cushion for April's issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine ...

Dandelion Patchwork Cushion

While I was rummaging around in my cupboard for the fabric, I came across my poor sad discarded quilt - and thought to myself, "Those bunnies deserve better than this!" Then I bravely took my shears and cut the embroidery out of the quilt. When I'd finished trimming and squaring off the edges I was left with four 7 1/2" squares - a really awkward size. So I decided to use a log cabin design to make two rectangular cushion covers, Spring and Summer on one, and Autumn and winter on the other ...  some of the fabric strips are the same, but others are different to create a different feel to each one. For example, they have the same Lotta Jansdotter print (Florine) in the first top strip, but the winter cushion version is in the grey colourway whilst summer is in the golden colourway. The same - but different.

Four Seasons Bunnies

And I'm really pleased with my two new cushions - they look great on my bed..... a project saved... and new bunnies for Easter!  Of course the egg is the traditional symbol of new life at Easter ... and what could be nicer than lovely fresh eggs with toast, or bread and butter fingers to dip into a lovely creamy golden yolk - yum!!  And as an Easter gift for you - here is my "Farm Fresh Eggs" pattern for you to download:
Four Seasons Bunnies
It's a combination of easy hand embroidery and machine applique - a great design for beginners to try - and a quick make for the more experienced.  Just click here to download the pdf file.
And finally .. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend wherever you are and whatever you're doing.  Don't eat too much chocolate - and be sure to fit in time for stitching!!
Best wishes
Helen xx
PS: CLICK HERE to learn more about my Bustle & Sew magazine, featuring original designs, articles, features and lots of Rosie & Bear too!