[The Ripple Effect] 21 Ways to Reduce Your Stress Level - Right Now!

Published: Fri, 12/13/13

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Hello everyone! Welcome to December's issue of The Ripple Effect.  The hustle of the holiday season is in full swing and I hope you all enjoyed time with family on Thanksgiving..  Below is a photo captured at a pre-Thanksgiving family celebration... it was an "elopement" party with family and close friends to celebrate my recent marriage.  This photo captures the three generations on my side of the family.  My Mom, me, my sister and my niece.  I am very grateful that I had this extra time, in addition to Thanksgiving, to spend with my family last month. 


Mom, Andria, Debra, Nicole - November 2013

December tends to be a very busy month with lots to do to prepare for the holidays, spend time with family, parties, and, of course, regular everyday life.    In the spirit of enjoying the holidays, I've included an article this month that focuses on ways you can reduce your stress level so you can actually experience and enjoy the holiday season.   I'm also offering a few complimentary consultations prior to the holiday for those of you feeling a bit stuck in a rut, either in your career or personal life, and looking for some quick tips on how to get unstuck and make 2014 a fulfilling year for you - in all areas of your life.  Be sure to sign up for your complimentary session via the link below! 

Feel free to pass this month's edition along to anyone you feel would enjoy reading it.  Keep spreading those positive ripple effects and have a wonderful holiday!



C3's News and Events
  • Andria has 4 open time slots for complimentary career and personal development consultations next week.  Schedule your 45-minute consultation and get clarity on what you need to do to make 2014 your most personally and professionally fulfilling year yet!   Schedule your appointment today by visiting this link:  https://www.timetrade.com/book/NRH7Q

These appointments will book fast so don't wait! Select your time today!

  • Did you miss the latest Letting Go Of The Status Quo Blog Talk Radio Show?   Andria and co-author Julie interviewed entrepreneurs and authors Amanda Adams-Barney and Richard Barney on the topic of Creating Personal Change.  Listen to this show and any others you may have missed by clicking here.

    Have you seen our recent blog posts?

  • Consequences? You Choose - I spent last week coaching young leaders on the importance of making choices that will support them in living their best life.  Many of these leaders work excessively long hours and in offices where their culture dictates and expects this of them.  Although they know choosing to leave work at a decent hour to eat dinner or get more than three hours of sleep is best for their well being, they express concern about how this choice will impact their performance rating or how others perceive them.  They wonder, "Will others perceive me as a slacker if I leave work to go get some rest?"  There are consequences to many of our choices and perhaps this is a consequence of the choice to leave work during a busy time because you need to get some rest or eat a decent meal; however, there are also consequences to choosing to stay.   [Read more ...] 

21 Quick Tips To Reduce Your Stress Level- Right Now!

The holiday season is upon us, the end of the year is approaching and everyone is trying to get a lot of stuff done in a short period of time. This tends to be a recipe for unnecessary stress... Here are 21 things you can do, right now, to reduce your stress level.
1.    Step away from your desk and take a 5-minute walk outside, or around your office building.
2.    For the next 3 minutes, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.  Inhale, exhale... that's all you need to think about for the next three minutes... (go ahead, set your timer and begin).
3.    Remain focused on what you are doing right now - do not allow your mind to wander to what you have to do tonight, tomorrow, or even in the next hour. Just stay in this present moment.
4.    Clean the clutter off your desk.
5.    Clean out one file cabinet drawer.
6.    Spend 5 minutes petting your cat or dog.
7.    Schedule a mental health day for you to do whatever you want sometime in the next two weeks (Yes, you can find one open day...).
8.    Schedule the first 30 minutes of tomorrow (or the next day) as time just for you - no email, no phone calls, no appointments - just you getting your mind set for the day ahead.
9.    Write down five things you are grateful for right now.  (Pause here and go do that now - it will shift your perspective.)
10.    Decide to stop reacting to events in your life as stressful (instead of thinking, "Oh my goodness, I have so much to do today, how will I get it all done!!?", say, "I'm grateful I have this day ahead and an abundance of things to occupy my time").  It's only stressful if you think it's stressful.
11.    Every day before leaving your office or ending your day, make a list of your top five priorities to complete tomorrow.
12.    Delegate all non-priorities (both at home and at work).
13.    Begin a regular exercise routine - even if it starts as just a 10-minute walk every day, start doing it.
14.    Stop worrying about things you cannot control (i.e., the weather, the delayed train or plane, the fact that your boss is in a bad mood).
15.    If you must worry, set a timer for three-five minutes of "worry time". Then let it go and move on.
16.    Don't play the "what if" game ("what if my flight gets delayed?" "What if my boss hates my presentation?")
17.    Instead, play the "wouldn't it be nice" game ("Wouldn't' it be nice if I get an upgrade to business class on my next flight?" "Wouldn't it be nice if my boss loves my presentation and has no changes?"...)
18.    If you are feeling anxious when you wake up, wait before jumping out of bed. Focus on your breath for at least 3 minutes, until you feel less anxious and can get out of bed and begin your day on a calm note.
19.    Don't sleep with your work cell phone next to your bed. Leave it in another room before going to sleep.
20.    Make a rule that at least one day every weekend will be a work-free day - you will not look at any work email or any work-related material.
21.    Share a smile with a stranger.

This is a wonderful time of year so let's not waste it being stressed!  I trust you definitely can start doing a handful of these things today so your stress level begins decreasing. What other ideas to you have for stress reduction? I'd love to hear what works best for you. Feel free to make a comment to share your ideas or post some suggestions to our Facebook page.

This month's action step:  Do as many of the things on this list that you can to reduce your stress level and enjoy the upcoming holiday season!  Wishing you all peace love and joy! 


Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting. an Executive Leadership and Career Development Coaching and Consulting firm.  C3's mission is to help our clients reach their highest potential.  Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you and your organization reach your greatest success.

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

Connect with Andria & C3 at:
