[The Ripple Effect] The Times They Are A-Changin'

Published: Fri, 01/17/14

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Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome to 2014 and another issue of The Ripple Effect.   I hope you had a wonderful holiday and got to take some time to recharge your batteries and renew your spirit before the start of another year.  Below is a photo of me with my 12 year old niece (who is also my favorite person in the world!) taken on Christmas Day - she definitely helps me renew my spirit!

Nicole & Andria, Christmas 2013

This month marks C3's four-year anniversary.  It's hard to believe we are stepping into our fifth year of business.  We are so grateful for all of you who make what we do possible and for all the support we've received throughout the years.   As the leader of this business I am always seeking ways for us to grow and evolve - to change with the times and with the needs of our clients. 

For those of you who know me, you know I thrive on change and as great as stability is, I am always seeking ways to grow and evolve, both personally and professionally.  2014 is no different and for C3, there will be some exciting changes.   In response to a year's worth of requests and a shift in where we feel we can have the biggest and most positive impact on our clients, we will be expanding our services to include personal development and life coaching targeted at professional women / women entrepreneurs (and some remarkable men too!)   We are still fully committed to our current clients and providing them with the high quality service they have come to expect from C3 and are also really excited for all the new clients we will have the honor of serving with our new personal development and life coaching offerings.  Because of this change and expansion of services, C3's website and all our content are currently going though a rebranding process.  We are very excited about our makeover and will be sharing more details with you as we reveal our new brand sometime next month - stay tuned!!

As you might have anticipated, The Ripple Effect will also be going through a bit of a facelift.  In response to your feedback, we have decided that we will make our newsletters shorter and send them out every other week instead of once a month. So, instead of one long article once a month, the content will include a few inspirational quotes and thought provoking questions to motivate and inspire you; to encourage you to think about the quality of your life and also making some positive changes.  In addition, we will include links to our blog posts and other valuable content but again, the newsletters will be shorter quicker reads. We know you are busy and want to quickly inspire you throughout the month.  You'll get these to your inboxes every other week.    We realize this may cause some of you to unsubscribe from our mailing list and we appreciate and understand that.   We hope you will stick around and allow us to inspire you but if not, we get it! 

Since I've already written plenty in this intro, let me close by again, thanking you for all your support of C3 the past four years - we are excited about what's to come and that is only possible because of you!   To celebrate our anniversary we are offering a few complimentary consultations this month.  We had such a great response in December that we added a few more to celebrate starting our 5th year in business. More details below - don't miss out! 

This month's article is a short quick reprint from a couple of years ago.  It's about knowing when it's time to make a change in your own professional life. I thought it was fitting for this month since I just shared the plan for C3's upcoming changes.

Feel free to pass this onto anyone you think may enjoy it and as always, keep spreading those positive ripple effects!



C3's News and Events
  • To celebrate our anniversary and thank you for making what we do possible, Andria has 3 open time slots for complimentary career and personal development consultations next week.  Schedule your 45-minute consultation and get clarity on what you need to do to make 2014 your most personally and professionally fulfilling year yet!  Schedule your appointment today by visiting this link: https://www.timetrade.com/book/NRH7Q
These appointments will book fast so don't wait! Select your time today!

    Have you seen our recent blog posts?

  • Fun, Happiness, Peace, Success ... What's Your 2014 Intention? - It's hard to believe we are already at the end of 2013.  To me it seems each year goes faster than the one before.  I'm a "goal-setter" so like to look back at what I set out to do at the beginning of the year and see what was accomplished.  Sometimes my goals can bog me down; if there are things I wanted to do but did not achieve, I tend to be hard on myself and question why I didn't accomplish them or what I could have done better or differently to have been more successful.  Like many people, I can be overly focused on what I did not achieve versus what I did achieve.I've decided to take a new approach to goal setting for 2014.   Yes, I am still going to set goals but I'm starting at a higher level than I've done in the past.   [Read more ...]
  • The Start Of My Year of (not so much) Fun...  - I wrote a blog post late last year about how I set a new year's intention to make my 2014 goals more meaningful.  Instead of just setting goals, I included the experience I wanted to have for the New Year.  I decided to make 2014 my year of fun; therefore anything I set out to accomplish as a goal had to include the experience of fun.  

    So, there I was four days into 2014, dealing with a flooded finished basement and feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work I needed to accomplish and prepare for in the coming week.  I was having anything but fun.   Realizing this, I immediately got upset with myself and the situation I was dealing with; the internal voices started, "so much for starting off your year of fun, Andria. Probably wasn't the best intention to set for the year." [Read more...]

Three Signs It's Time for a Professional Change

Life is full of change. Sometimes that change occurs in our professional lives and it often seems to be directed by others and out of our control.  Yet, there are many times in our lives when we desire change, when we, in fact, need change to keep us inspired and motivated.  So, how do you truly know when it's time for a change in your professional life?  There are three signs that are clear indicators you're ready for things to be different.

First, you're bored.  You wake up unexcited to start your day or simply feel like you're in neutral.  You're on autopilot and are going through the motions without any real energy or excitement behind what you're doing. 

Next, you start to lack patience with your colleagues, subordinates, bosses, and everyone around you.  Things that used to be interesting or problems that used to be challenging to solve now simply annoy you.  You've been there, done that and don't know why you need to do it again.   The idea of having to do it again or deal with it again or listen to another complaint annoys you.  Your patience has worn thin for the "normal" issues in your job.

Lastly, you begin to feel antsy.  You're restless and you know there is something else you could do; in fact, there is something else you feel you want to do and, whatever it may be, you are beginning to feel eager to get there and do it.  

So, what can you do if you begin to feel these things?  Well, perhaps you have a really great job with a company where you enjoy working.  If that is the case, you can look for other opportunities inside that company or look for ways you can expand your skill base through taking courses, leading project teams, or getting certified in a particular skill that will benefit your career growth.   Talk to your boss or a mentor about the types of things that will re-energize you and then take action to make those things happen.

Or, perhaps you are more interested in exploring opportunities with other companies or in a different line of work.  Take steps to explore your options and the type of work that truly motivates and energizes you.  The idea is to do something that excites you and invigorates you enough so you are no longer bored, impatient, and antsy.  If and when you begin to feel these things, view it as an opportunity to explore new ways to engage and challenge yourself.  

Being aware of the signs that you are ready for a change is a great way to ensure you take action before any of your boredom or impatience begins to impact your performance.   

This month's development tip:  Being aware of the signs you're ready for a change is the first step.  Are you aware of any of these signs in your life?  If so, it's time to think about what you're going to do about it.  Make a list of the top three things you can do in the next month to move yourself from neutral into first gear again.  


Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting. an Executive Leadership and Career Development Coaching and Consulting firm.  C3's mission is to help our clients reach their highest potential.  Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you and your organization reach your greatest success.

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

Connect with Andria & C3 at:
