Calgary Jazz Orchestra

The Calgary Jazz Orchestra's email list, keeping you informed of upcoming shows and special offers.

Do you have your Romance & Soul tickets?

Published: Sun, 01/07/24

Swing & Groove 🎶 It's time to purchase tickets for the annual Art of Romance, Art of Soul - with strings concert. Art of Romance, Art of Soul -…

Can you sing, or do you just need a seat?

Published: Mon, 12/04/23

More seats now available for PFC! 🥁 Thank you to everyone who purchased their Perfectly Frank Christmas ticket; you are amazing! As we sold out early,…

What is The Atomic Mr. Basie? 🎶

Published: Thu, 10/12/23

Curious what The Atomic Mr. Basie is all about? Keep reading to learn more. October 22 Concert Ticket The Atomic Mr. BasieToday, Count Basie is…

We have some much to tell you!!

Published: Fri, 09/22/23

How was your summer?! We've been busy, and we have 3 things to share with you.Absolutely BRILLIANT new sponsorsE citing new home of the CJO for our…

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