Why your kids need this free lesson!

Published: Tue, 07/26/22


Dear Homeschooling Parent,


Predators and thieves are targeting kids online in record numbers...The FBI estimates that there are more than 500,000 predators online every day!  And, it’s estimated that 25% of children under the age of 18 will have their identities stolen in the next 12 months!  


As a homeschooling parent, it’s easy for you to stay on top of what your kids do online when you’re working with them during school, but what about the rest of the time when they’re surfing the web, talking to friends on social media, or playing games online?  They bad guys are waiting for the right opportunity to engage with kids, and your kids need to know how to spot them when they strike. It’s why we put together the Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online. And because it’s so important, we’re giving it away for free as part of a special new gift bundle.

Our free Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online will help kids learn all the new tricks and techniques that online predators and identity thieves are using to lure our children on social media and across the internet, and it will teach them the best methods for handling these threats.  Along with The Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online, your free Gift Bundle also includes an important streaming video lesson all about online identity theft called “Identity Crisis” and the accompanying digital workbook to help reinforce the learnings from the lesson.


What’s more, when you order this special gift bundle, your children will also receive a free issue of the Mom’s Choice Award-winning EverBright Kids magazine!


The gift bundle is yours for free. You just need to pay $1 s&p each for the Kids Guide and the magazine with this special offer.  To learn more and to order your free gift bundle, just tap the button below to get started. 

Your kids already know how useful the internet can be. Now, help them understand the dangers it can bring and to keep them safe! Order the Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online gift bundle now. You just pay $1 s&p each for the Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online and your free issue of EverBright Kids—a very small price to pay to give your kids the tools they need to become the world's next great entrepreneur!  Don't wait—grab this FREE gift bundle today!



Your friends at The Kids Guide


P.S. As predators and identity thieves step up their game, kids need to know how to spot the bad guys and stay safe. Order the “Kids Guide to Staying Safe Online” gift bundle now to help your kids stay safe in everything they do online.


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