Sparkling News - Battle Empire: Roman Wars

Published: Mon, 12/22/14

Battle Empire: Roman Wars
Hi ,

With this email we want to thank you all for downloading our new game:

Click on the game title to download the game

We appreciate your feedback!

We received a lot of feedback from you guys and because of this feedback were able to improve a lot of features in the game!! We want to highlight a specific feature: Troop movements. 

We've received some feedback about sending the total amount of unit category when you ty to conquer a neighbor city. Not having the possibility to choose the amount of units that you want to use for an attack was for most players a big pain in the @$#%$. When you update the game to the latest version you will be able to select the unit you want to send to attack.

5 star ratings

We are extremely proud on the fact that we received a lot of 5 star ratings in the Google Play Store! Thank you very much!

Haven't you rated the game yet?

Please go to the Google Play Store and rate the game for us!

Facebook: Battle Empire: Roman wars

Do you know we also created a special Facebook Page for this game?
Click here and LIKE our page and stay tuned!

Thank you very much for your support and enjoy the game!

The Sparkling Society Team

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