Check this out! New updates for City Island 2 and 3

Published: Tue, 06/09/15

Hi ,

First off all, thanks for supporting us! We really appreciate that! 
Thanks to you we are able to create a lot more fun stuff in our games :-)
Update City Island 2 - New Buildings!

Do you play City Island 2? And do you want to add new buildings in your city? Ofcourse! Update your game now :)

The new update for City Island 2 is now available in the Google Play Store! This is only for Android users, the IOS version is always a few days later. So please stay tuned when you are playing the game with an iPad or iPhone.... this update will be available for you too!


Update City Island 3 
Some of you already know that we are working on an update for City Island 3. This update is a very big update. A lot more animated features and one big surprise :-) sorry, I am not allowed to tell it yet.
And this update will also fix the issue with the land on Lagoon Atoll, some people cannot buy expansions, but this will be solved with the new update.

When will the update available? We hope by the end of next week......
Sorry for the people who are at level 85.... we hope you want to stay tuned and wait a little longer. We promise that this update is worth the wait.
