Published: Wed, 12/30/15

Hi ,

Thank you for downloading City Island 4!! Share your thoughts, feature ideas and discuss with us and other players on our NEW forum:

We have some fun facts that we want to share with you!

City Island 4: Fun Facts  

Google Play Store Rating/Stars

In just a few days you gave the game a lot of 5 star ratings! The game has an average rating of 4.5!!! Woohooo..thank you so much!


The players on the screenshot below are the first people in the top 10 of the leaderboard. Good job kccurt, eckart and Gypsy Rose!!



The total of downloads is more than 3500 in just a few days. This is amazing! You guys are the best supporters :-)

Giftcode for City Island 4: giftforcityisland4

screenshot 1
download now

What’s new in City Island 4 comparing to City Island 3

  • Decorations now provide a boost to the surrounding buildings! This is a very fun strategic and mindbreaking feature, as from now on it matters how you 'decorate' your city and how you 'arrange your buildings throughout your city' to profit from these boost optimally. We are very curious to see your smart strategies on this!

  • The user interface has been revised and all the windows have been redesigned, they look much better. Well, that’s our opinion ;-)

  • Rewards are always paid in gold, and you can earn a lot more gold with rewards than in City Island 3.

  • When it is raining, your pedestrians will put up an umbrella

  • When a construction or an upgrade is completed, balloons will appear and once you cut the ribbon, the balloons will fly away. We like to call this the “grand opening”

  • Commercial buildings will need to be repaired every now and then. This has to be paid with cash.

  • You need construction workers for constructing, upgrading, and repairing buildings. You start off with 16 workers, and you can add more by upgrading your construction company.

  • Buildings need to be placed next to a specific type of road. In City Island 3 you could choose which type of road you prefer, but in City Island 4 it is fixed per building which type of road is needed (road, walkway, canal).

  • Buildings unlock city life. This means that placing a building will also spawn a certain vehicle ,pedestrian or cyclists.

Future updates

  • More islands, more buildings, more levels, more city life, more animations, more sound effects;

  • Collect presents from your villagers;

  • Visit islands from other players;

  • Events, with new event buildings and cool new gameplay;

  • Treasure chests which you can buy or regularly get for free;

  • Make friends and send messages and gifts to your friends;

  • Warehouse: store buildings and move them across your islands;

  • Trains, airplanes, ships;
  • And much more!

Share your ideas on our new forum and maybe we'll incorporate it in the game!
iOS users (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

We are sorry to tell you that the game for iOS is not yet available. Check our forum for the explanation:

Next week we expect the game to be available for iOS!

We are sorry for the inconvenience! :-(

Sparkling Society
Enjoy our games,
Edwin, Mark & Marleen

Sparkling Society