Valentine POEM contest! Win GOLD!

Published: Thu, 02/11/16

CONTEST: Create a Valentine POEM
We have a very lovely Valentine contest on our Forum!! Did you already see it?
You really need to check it out!!

To post a Poem on the forum, you need to register. After you created a name and password, you need to go to your EMAIL and activate your account by clicking on the link!

Post your Poem here
You can also go to the forum and click below on: "VIP Creativity Room"

Win a love bonus of GOLD!
When you post a POEM, you need to get a LOT of likes. The poem with the highest amount of likes will win this contest!!!

So go to the forum, post your poem and SHARE it with your friends and aks them to LIKE your poem!

Good luck!! :-)
And have a happy Valentines Day
Sparkling Society
Sparkling Society
Edwin, Mark & Marleen