Forum - Sparkling Society

Published: Tue, 03/01/16


Hi ,

Join us on our forum! :-) we already have a lot of members on board but we hope you will join us too!

What is a forum?

An internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. We created this forum together with some big Sparkling Society fans! Thanks guys, we are proud of the results  :-)

Why to join the forum?

When you have questions about a game, or if you want to share your city, friendcode or feedback/ideas you can post it on the forum and others can reply, so you will have more interaction with other players. We want to create a platform that feels like a warm and cozy living room ;-)

***How to join***

It's very easy to create an account. Please follow these steps:

  • Go to;

  • Click on a game you like;

  • At the right upper corner you will see the Login / Sign up button;

  • Click on Sign up and follow the steps to registrate and you will receive an email;

  • You are now ready to post new topics! ENJOY

Please join us and post a lot of new topics :-) We really appreciate feedback and new ideas and we will check the forum every day!

And we have some nice moderators that will help you with answering your questions!

Thank you so much and we hope you all enjoy our games and the new forum!

***If you want to be a moderator, please send an email to [email protected] and let us know for which game you would like to be a moderator.