GIFTCODE City Island 4

Published: Wed, 01/06/16

City Island 4: GIFTCODE  
Hi ,

Thanks for supporting us!
We received a lot of 5 star rating in the Google Play store, please keep them coming!! :-)
We also received nice and positive feedback.
For example; some of you ask us to improve the feature 'repair buildings'. When you update your game to version 1.0.6 you will be very happy!
More information about bug fixes and new updates on our forum:
screenshot 1
At this moment the game is only available for Android devices, please read our forum for the explanation: CLICK HERE  
​Download the game NOW!
FREE GIFTCODE: freegoldcityisland4 screenshot 1 
For more information and giftcodes check our City Island 4 social media:

- Forum 

If you have feedback or if you want to share screenshots of your new city, please post it on our Social Media or on our NEW forum!
iOS users (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

We are sorry to tell you that the game for iOS is not yet available. 
The office of Apple was closed during the Holidays, we hope they approve the game in a few days! 

Please stay tuned!!

We are sorry for the inconvenience! :-(

More information on our Forum:
Sparkling Society
Enjoy our games,
Edwin, Mark & Marleen

Sparkling Society