Amazing achievements

Published: Tue, 01/19/16

Looking back on 2015
Hi ,

As we love to share our passion on creating awesome games together with players from all around the world, we are incredibly proud on what we have achieved together with you in 2015!!!

With your support, help, feedback, 5 star ratings and appreciations, we have achieved amazing things! 

Below we’ll share some figures that we can hardly believe to be possible for a small Indie developer that we are, with just a few enthusiasts and a lot of wonderful Sparkling Society members. Thanks to you -and in return- we can continue developing cool features and new games for you!

Facts & Figures 

Here we go.....

Awesome, isn’t it?!!  

What to expect in 2016 

Based on the feedback we get from you guys, we still have a lot of things to build and go for in 2016. We have a lot of features on our list for the current games, most of them for City Island 3 and 4. Furthermore, as you may know, we already have been working for a year or so on two new game genres: a strategy battle game and a trading card game. This year, we’ll aim for those to see the daylight! And of course, we’ll conclude 2016 with City Island 5 (any ideas or requests? :) )

Stay tuned for many many more and keep your feedback, issues and more coming through the customer support, facebook, our brand NEW forum, instagram, twitter, youtube, ..!

So cheers to a great 2015 and let’s make 2016 an even better one...together!

Watch our behind the scenes video and do you wanna know how to boost buildings with decorations for City Island 4? Check below: 
Sparkling Society
Enjoy our games,
Edwin, Mark & Marleen

Sparkling Society