One Simple Tip That Will Get You Great Results

Published: Thu, 04/18/13

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Clare Evans - Personal & Business Coach

April 2013 - Issue 105 -

Hello ,

Thank you to all of you who downloaded and returned your Time Audit last month.  As a result, I was able to donate £30 to Red Nose Day - every little helps.  (Remember to return your completed Audit for free feedback).

This month I'm touching on a topic that comes up time and time again, both in general conversations, when giving talks and in client sessions.

It's simple but effective.

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One Simple Tip For Great Results

What could make the biggest difference to how much you can achieve?

What one thing do my clients notice that gets them great results?

It only takes a few minutes, it's one of the simplest things to do but sometimes the hardest to implement.

It's planning.

When you plan your day it will run more smoothly, you'll know where are, you'll know what you need to achieve and you'll find you get more done each day.

If you find you're busy all day but get to the end of the day and wonder what you've actually achieved, you're probably in 'reactive' mode. As each phone call, email, interruption comes in - you react and spend time dealing with it before getting back to what you were working on.

When you plan your day you know what your priorities are and you can quickly get back on track if you get interrupted.

Your daily plan is just part of your bigger plan - your objectives, goals and outcomes for the weeks, months and years ahead. Whether your looking to grow your business, gain new clients, learn a new skill - you need a plan or it's less likely (or even unlikely) to happen.

  • 90% of managers squander their time on ineffective activities
From a business perspective planning is critical. When you consider how much you and your staff's time is worth - if you maximise the amount of productive time you'll earn more and grow your business quicker.

Wasting time on emails, phone calls, paperwork, meetings and general time wasters costs business thousands each year.

  • Office distractions add up to nearly 2 hours a day
Only 60% of an average week is productive - that's only three days a week. The other two are wasted on unproductive tasks, time wasters, interruptions and distractions.

  • 50% of people say work/life balance is now even more important 
With a proper plan you can focus on the right things, the important things that will make a real difference.

By reducing your distractions and interruptions and working more effectively you'll get more time to spend with your clients and customers.  Or you can leave work on time instead of having to stay late or work at the weekends to catch up.

  • Proper planning produces results.
Make sure you include specifics in your plan along with timings. Set aside time for your tasks each day and don't overload your plan.

Another key point to planning is that it needs to be flexible. Life happens, so the best laid plans will often get side-swiped but with a plan it's easier to get back on track.

So, if you want to improve your productivity and get great results - get planning.

Get in touch for a chat to find out how to improve your own planning and to see how it can make you more effective every day.

Until next month.


Get your FREE Time Audit  Check your current time habits, compare your results and get tips for quick and easy solutions.


Useful Resources

Dropbox- access your important documents from anywhere. 2GB account is free!

Aweber - Create your own automated newsletters. Follow up, tracking, & real-time stats.

Market Samurai - A GREAT tool for improving your website SEO, keywords, Google Ads

Focus Booster - a useful timing and countdown app to keep you focused, on track and less distracted.

Time Management For Dummies

Grab a copy of this best selling book and get tons of tips and ideas.

Over 15,000 copies sold.

Click the image
to buy from Amazon .

"Worth reading several times"

"Time management in easily understood sections"

Clare Evans
Personal and Business Coach

T: +44 (0)1273 588297
M: +44 07887 954512
E: [email protected]




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