This is sneaky... but also super smart! 🤫😉

Published: Tue, 11/26/19

Regrets suck, so... think about this for a second at least. ;-)

If you didn't join the Facebook Live with PURPOSE challenge last week, a simple 7-day challenge to generate your first sale & next 10 leads, I'm sure you had your reasons at the time. I'd love to hear your "why" by the way, feel free to hit reply!

Today is the LAST day of the challenge.

It's wrapping up. It's almost over...


You can still join in if you haven't already, and this is a bit sneaky - but I'll explain WHY you should.

Or if you joined but didn't participate, or fell behind and gave up, this is for you too! ;-)

This is a bit of an unfair advantage, which is why this is "sneaky" but I was in Atlanta for a few days to catch a show at the Fox Theatre and met up with Monique for lunch while I was there.

I found out she's planning to offer the Live Facebook Video Leads & Sales Challenge again in December!

I immediately KNEW that I would sign up again, but... you might remember I kept saying she offered this challenge & training WAY too cheap? Oops...

So yeah: it won't be this cheap when she hosts it again in a few weeks.

BUT, if you get in NOW, before the price hike... you'll already be IN - and get all the perks!!

Quite a few of us fell behind (er, way behind here! lol) over the weekend.

Which is totally okay - we're still VERY ACTIVELY working on implementing and setting up systems and COMPLETING the challenge. 

That's GOOD news for you if you join today, or if you fell behind and gave up (or never got started).

Just dive right in and catch up WITH us!

📲 Sign up for the Challenge here & join us today!

(If it still says yesterday's date at the top of ^ that page - ignore it. I talked to Monique this morning and she agreed to extend the option to join in still!)

I've gotten SO much out of it already, so as soon as I found out she was going to offer it again in December, I knew I'd be signing up again.

There's something seriously motivating about being "challenged" on a timeline, and working together as a group too (it's FUN!).

I haven't been this motivated, excited or had THIS much FUN on a project in a long time!

This particular challenge has me learning new things, getting stuff done - and seeing RESULTS.

It's totally worth the small investment (seriously, it's only $17 at the moment)... twice even. Because I know me, a month from now I'll be slacking and/or off doing other things - but this is definitely something I want to MASTER and make a regular part of my marketing strategy. 

The results are just TOO good!

If you know NOTHING about video marketing or livestreaming or Facebook Live - don't let that stop you. Monique is a GREAT teacher.

Here's more detail about the challenge if you want to learn more after looking over the challenge page at the link above. It's a video where I grilled Monique on exactly what to expect:

I'm wrapping up some work as we speak, then I'll be heading over to the challenge group, so I'll look for you when I log in...

I hope to see you there. We're having a blast - STILL! 💕

If you prefer to work on your own, you don't HAVE to participate in the group - you can simply do the lessons and set everything up for GREAT CONVERSIONS and a HUGE BUSINESS BOOST over the holidays and into the 2020 year.

She also has a detailed workshop teaching you the 5 Facebook Live models that SELL, and she has it seriously discounted when you join the challenge - so that's another perk you'll get!

It's the ONLY way to get access to that workshop (at all), much less at that price. 😉

If you joined the challenge but didn't grab that, just go back to your welcome email and click the link to get that - while you still can...

I'll be studying the workshop this weekend after the holiday, and can't wait to dive in & learn more! Monique has this money-making livestreaming strategy NAILED. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you still plan to join the challenge get signed up now, before it closes at the lowest price!

📲 Sign up for the Challenge here & join us!