⏰ Instant Traffic & Sales, Anytime, Around the Clock!

Published: Tue, 12/03/19

This is the ONE strategy that has served me over and over - and over again, without fail!

It's social media, and I can tap into it anytime and from anywhere, literally around the clock... with great results.

There are some tricks to know to make it REALLY work for you, of course.

One of those "tricks" is as simple as being consistent about posting content and building your audience.

That's as simple as it gets, but sadly it's where most people fall short at making social media a successful traffic & profit source.

The other trick (and this is HUGE) is to simply leverage the trends on each platform, where THEY PROMOTE YOU FOR FREE and aggressively recommend your posts to people.

In the last few years, Facebook has relentlessly recommended Facebook Groups to me based on my interests, and recommends MY group to others the same way.

Why? Because they want people to spend more time on their platform! And when you get involved in topical groups, you get on Facebook more and stay on Facebook longer.

It's strategic on their part - and smart.

Another trend that's even better than that, especially for immediate AND consistent (ongoing) traffic & sales is video.

Facebook and Instagram are both VERY aggressive at pushing video, because they're in competition with YouTube (or rather, Google) ever since they turned down a buyout.

That's been a HOT discussion for years, but Facebook is still privately owned and they've been actively competing with Google over other acquisitions like: whatsapp, fitbit, etc.

Facebook and Google are the two largest internet based companies (ie tech giants), and have been for years. Which is why YouTube and Facebook advertising is SO effective: because they reach the majority of people EVER online.

The cool thing though is how you can leverage that reach WITHOUT paying to promote your content, or investing in social media advertising - which can get really expensive, or take A LOT of time to learn and tweak to optimal profit margins.

So how do you play... if you don't want to pay? 🤔

Simple: you use the platform as it's meant to be used (consistently), and you follow the trends and leverage THEIR interests.

Their interest right now is VIDEO.

It has to be native video though, meaning video uploaded to or created directly ON Facebook.

Google owns YouTube, so if you share a link to a YouTube video on Facebook you're not going to get anywhere NEAR the reach as if you put video ON Facebook.

Example: I recorded a video of me scrambling eggs and uploaded it to my Facebook Page... and it's had 19,000 views.
😳🍳 (wow, lol)

As a more interesting example, I recently "went live" on that same Facebook Page and did a product unboxing video... and saw a 20% conversion rate (just over, actually). And that was on a hard-to-convert product, an expensive monthly subscription!

As for my scrambled eggs, those 19k video views were NOT all from my audience, or the result of any marketing on my part. I was shocked at how many likes, comments & shares came from total strangers. That's because they found my video in Facebook SEARCH - which is another FREE way to get TONS of exposure.

Facebook is quickly becoming a favored platform to search for topical content (ie: a social search engine!), so you want to make sure you're creating plenty of optimized content on your public Page.

That ^ was a hot tip. ;-) Anyway...

Right now native video is GREAT, but live video and watch parties are THE BEST in terms of exposure and engagement (reach) and of course conversions - whether you're after likes, leads or sales. Or all three. :)

The same goes for Instagram, which is owned by Facebook : "videograms" are HOT whether they're posts on your timeline, stories, livestreaming or IGTV video. And if you're smart: all of the above!

This is the reason I paid $500 to attend Monique Johnson's "Live Authority" workshop two years ago, and why it was a no-brainer to join her Facebook Live Leads & Sales Challenge a few weeks ago for only 17 bucks - which included TONS of training, prompts, proven scripts to close sales - plus a lot of FUN too. :)

I am constantly learning, testing & tweaking with "interactive media" (mostly Facebook and Instagram video options) because the results are just TOO GOOD - and it's totally free!

Which brings me to the good news...

Monique is hosting her Live Video Leads & Sales Challenge again next week! 🎉

This next challenge includes creative ways to use Instagram and Watch Parties to make sales too, in addition to Facebook.

The "Facebook Live With PURPOSE" challenge last month was FUN and amazing! Monique totally overdelivered with proven scripts & prompts that brought incredible results. ✅

She's hosting the challenge again this month with EVEN MORE bonuses & training... plus a Watch Party Workshop and (get this!!) how to do screensharing demo or tutorial style videos ON INSTAGRAM - just like you can on Facebook.

Those are both things I'm stoked to see in action and learn how to do myself! WITH a strategy & system, and NOT having to fiddle around and figure it out on my own. 🤯🤦‍♀️

📈 Facebook and Instagram are the two HOTTEST social media platforms at the moment, so you'd be smart to leverage these EASY ways to build your audience and grow your business.

Plus they're both super easy platforms to get INSTANT traffic & sales - to practically anything. And you can tap into them anytime, from anywhere, around the clock! ⏰

I had a BLAST participating in the first challenge and got GREAT results. I already can't wait to start the next one...

If you want to join us, or just get more details, go to: https://lynnterry--kcmb.thrivecart.com/7-day-fb-live/ (my referral link) and sign up TODAY ==> so you can attend the Watch Party Workshop LIVE on Thursday for free. 💯

*otherwise you have to pay to attend the Facebook Watch Party Workshop, which is not "a good value" - when you can attend live or watch the recording free as part of the challenge & training. ;-)

I'm in for the December sales & leads challenge! 🙋‍♀️

What about you?

Do you want to learn more about using ALL KINDS of video to build your list, grow your audience and make sales - faster than ever, and with WAY better results than usual?

📲 Sign up for the next challenge today & join us for the workshop FREE this week!

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you do plan to join the next challenge get signed up now... so you can attend the Watch Party Workshop LIVE on Thursday. 😉

You'll get instant and unlimited access to the workshop replay if you prefer to watch it on your own schedule of course.

What if you're nervous to join a challenge or afraid you'll FAIL at making sales or getting leads?

Or what if you don't have anything to sell, or nothing to drive traffic to, and don't even have a list to build?

What if you have no real followers, or a dead Facebook account, and figure your videos will get NO views?

Don't worry, Monique has all that covered.

Even if you're starting from scratch, you can STILL get results during this challenge, and you'll learn A LOT of really cool stuff.

📲 Learn More About The Training & Challenge

You probably have more to work with than you realize.

Don't overthink it though... just decide:

Do you want 2020 to be YOUR YEAR : yes or no?

Or do you want to sit around and watch OTHER people see great success and have an awesome online business they LOVE - while you keep wishing that was you. Or that your business would do HALF as well, even...

I hope you'll join us! Monique is SMART and she has really simple systems and strategies that WORK to share with you. That's one of two reasons I've taken such a liking to her myself. The other one is because she's a FUN person. :)

Regardless of whether you decide to join the group for this December sales & leads challenge, I hope something in this note struck a chord with you and/or sparked a creative idea you can USE...

Get out there and get your profit on!!