Monday Mission: Micro-Tasking & Focus!

Published: Mon, 02/22/21

Lynn Terry of ClickNewz

Monday Mission: Micro-Tasking & Focus!


Staying focused can be one of the hardest things to do when you work online. You know what you need to do, you have tons of ideas to work with, or several projects in the works, but there's a constant stream of distractions and endless ways to procrastinate... enticing you to jump from one thing to another all day, until you reach the end of the day with NOTHING on your priority task list actually DONE.

* Those things on your "priority task list" should all be business-building actions, or "money tasks" as I like to call them. 😉

Productivity Staying Focused


Monday Mission:
Micro-Tasking (Single Task Focus!)


✅ 1. Know your objective and your priorities

When you know exactly what you want to accomplish, you can easily create a list of tasks to achieve that goal.

✅ 2. Choose one project to work on, and COMPLETE it.

You'll have multiple products, projects and ideas for your business at any given time. There are always a lot of moving parts and pieces to running an online business. Not sure where to start with it all? Pick ONE thing and knock it out! Then move on to the next.

✅ 3. Create an "Action Steps" list to complete that project or product.

TIP: break that list down into micro-tasks, in the order they need to be done, then start at the top and do ONE simple task at a time. Every single thing you mark off the list, even the smallest thing, will give you a sense of accomplishment and create momentum to help you power through the project!


Turn off all distractions, silence notifications, close browsers or programs you're not using for the task at hand, and FOCUS ON ONE THING all the way through to completion!

✅ 5. Work in Time Blocks

I find it helps most to create a schedule or routine of working in Time Blocks. This is especially useful if you're working on multiple projects, or juggling a variety of things in your growing business.

Set aside uninterrupted "focus time" for content creation, product creation, social media marketing, list building, learning, outreach/connecting/recruiting, etc.

✅ 6. Be your own BOSS

Are you doing a lot of personal stuff while you're on the clock? Are you making the company money, or costing the company time & money?

If YOU were your own boss (oh wait! you are!)... would you fire you, or promote you - and give you a big fat raise for being such an amazing asset to the business?

I would love to hear YOUR tricks for staying on task, and staying focused on your goals!

📌 Note: today is Single Tasking Day

Greg Reid Quote

Also see:

📲 Time Blocks, Time Logs, Micro-Tasking & Multi-Tasks

📲 Goal Planners & Journals for Creating Success


Maybe you're feeling STUCK and you need some ideas?

No problem! I've got you covered...

📲 Getting Back On Track When You Feel Derailed

💡 32 Things You Can Do That Will Make You Money

💡 20 Simple Tasks That Increase Revenue Fast


Happy Monday!

Here's to a super productive week, flying through your task list, one single micro-task at a time. 😎





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