CSExplorer's Special Message Series - Part III - CS News!

Published: Thu, 03/24/22

Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls - March 24, 2022

Special Series of Messages for this week, Part III

-- Extended Crystal Skull & Spiritual Family --  Enough of all this series
stuff -- time to go back to what we know and discuss some crystal skull
stuff -- I (Joshua) think we all know if we work energetically with our
skulls we can help to uplift the Light energies in our world - probably
needed more then ever now aye?  In this issue or Part, we will be sharing
about the various crystal skulls we are having commissioned by our special
carvers, 3 different lines - and also another amazing clear skull by our
Indian carver has showed up -- also have you seen the e-book we
did about the Ancient Crystal Skull known as "Ami" and what is going
to be available later this year - everything is looking up!

Dear ,  
Welcome back dear beloved members and extended family to the continuation of this special series of editions (messages) of our newsletter.  Once again, I (Joshua) am honored to be your guide and to serve as a messenger to impart the information contained within this edition as well as the futures ones which I will continue to send out this week (two more parts). So this issue is all about the crystal skulls and in particular the amazing skulls we have been able to be made by our carver in India (you saw one of his skulls in an earlier part, another amazing one but much smaller is shown at the end of this newsletter) as well as the group of carvers we know in China, who gifted us our human size rose quartz, two piece skull called "Rosalita" who we have shared before in previous newsletters (or you can go to our cse website at: http://cse.crystalskullexplorers.com/rosalita/ and see her image and read about her, she is a very quiet skull but so full of love, one of our pride and joys!).  Ok, I need to just add below a brief note linked to Part II, some updates and then I want to speak about our skull, Geronimo Golden Eagle-Eye and the Geronimo Jrs. :-)

Note: -- This morning as I usually do, I went again into Telegram to read the posts on my favorite channels ... There were two key messages shared that I want to briefly discuss that shows me and perhaps the world that this undeclared conflict between Light and dark is just about over and definitely is going to happen this year. The Telegram sharers stated that the Gesara (Global Economic Security and Reform Act) is starting to be supported now in a number of countries (Russia, China and India were mentioned, possibly Iraq with the U.S. coming up soon as they are backing their national currency with gold); the QFS system is now firmly in place (not yet publicly announced but as we spoke about before, the cabal can't steal money and is being locked out of their monies) plus what is happening in the Ukraine by the Russians (to take out a major cabal stronghold) -- these three activities is cutting the head and financial support of the globalist - they are trying to get back the Ukraine via Nato and false news but its too late ... we will all be dancing and singing in the streets this year yeah!! Ok back to the crystal skulls - so do you know our crystal skull Geronimo Golden Eagle-Eye?


We have had Geronimo (his shorted name) now for about 15-17 years, I received him when I was living in Holland.  At that time the only crystal skull I had (now Katrina and I, we have about 30) was Portal de Luz (Portal) which BTW was make by the same master Brazilian carver. At this time in my life, I had enough trouble just trying to take care of myself and one 10 lb. crystal skull to accept another but in this early time, Geronimo was so clear for a smoky quartz crystal. But as all crystal skulls do, when they find their true guardian, they will begin to change their appearance internally and if you look at the photo above, those lines on the left side (to your right) of his head were not there on day 1 of coming into my care. Plus he started to become a bit darker. Also this name of Geronimo just came to me the day I accepted to be his guardian but this was a sign because when I met a Native Chief in Missouri on his tribe's land and then the head of some Shamanic Drummers in Hungary, Geronimo was their favorite skull.  Plus, Geronimo loves to be around indigenous drumming so the Native Chief in Missouri, who normally didn't do drumming in their ceremony, did one for him (and slept with Geronimo too).

Geronimo also saved me one time while I was living in Holland I think it was at the end of 2008 or 2009, I had brought him and Portal to see a well known Mayan Elder who had come to Holland and was connected to a documentary about the Mayan Prophecy. We went to the movie theater where this documentary was shown, but also specifically to meet the Elder (I am not giving his name, as you will soon see from my story here). So after the film finished, many of us went into a cafeteria inside the movie house to drink, eat and talk as well as meet this Elder. Portal de Luz told me to place him on our table and knew this Elder would see him. The Mayans of Guatemala that this Elder represented have their own crystal skulls which they protect and keep hidden, so I knew the Elder would be drawn to Portal. But Portal told me (telepathically) in no uncertain terms, I wasn't to say anything to this Elder and just let him approach Portal and to see what happens.  So I did and here is what happened next ...

Of course, this elder speaks only his tribes dialect of Mayan and Spanish, so there was a woman with him who became our translator from Spanish to English and back (as I only know a simple Spanish) - so first the Elder proclaimed that Portal was one of their skulls. Now, let me explain why I think he said this. 1st, at the 1999 Crystal Skull Conference in April in Sedona, AZ, where Portal first came into my care, there were Priests of this tribe present who led us in a Mayan Sunrise Ceremony where many crystal skulls were, this was kind of a special initiation for Portal if you were. So there is no doubt in my mind, as Crystal Skulls record all the vibrations and energies around them, he picked up a part of the sacred Mayan ceremonial energies. Next, the Brazilian carver of Portal and Geronimo is very talented, world renown, and the very old crystal skulls (ancient) the Mayan protect also are very skillfully done. Next, Portal had been around by this quite a few ancient skulls plus all the world meditations he has participated in and sacred sites we have visited, so for a newly made crystal skull and an awakened one with a lot of star and Galactic energies, he is pretty strong. And lastly, when the Europeans came to Central America what in the 1600''s they stole everything including crystal skulls so this Elder thought Portal might be one of theirs.  The Elder asked me to give this skull back to them but as I explained, "Grandfather, this crystal skull was made by a modern carver, I have met him."  Elder: "But no you don't understand, this crystal skull is one we were gifted ..."  Joshua: "Grandfather, that is not true, here see this other skull (Geronimo), he was made by the same carver :-)."  And when he saw Geronimo, he became quite, so Geronimo saved the day and what could have been a long debate :-)!

Anyway how the Geronimo Jrs. came to be in this world, and how, here in March of 2022 we have Geronimo Jrs. all over the world (I think collectively they co-create a special healing energy for our world): --   When we use to go out and do our public crystal skull events (pre-pandemic) we of course would bring our key personal skulls with us to share with the attendees. And what amazed us is how many people felt a connection with Geronimo. So we asked these people if we could have a skull made in the style of Geronimo would they be interested to have one and they were enthusiastically said "Yes!!" So we spoke to our Chinese carvers and sent scans of photos of Geronimo and this is how the Geronimo Jrs. came about. But then, about a year and half ago we couldn't get in touch with our Chinese carvers, we couldn't get any response from them to our emails (was the Chinese government blocking it??) so one day on facebook I met the representative of our Indian carver, last year, we did an experiment to have more made and now he probably has done over 50 for us. If you would like to read more about the Geronimo Jrs. and see all the styles and type of gemstone he has been done in, go to:


Now, if any of you feel an affinity for a Geronimo Jr., like maybe you are meant to have one, there are newly carved ones available here with us and also with our carver in India. We have eleven Jrs., 9 of clear quartz and 2 of smoky quartz, smaller sizes from about 150g to 300+g (all less then a pound) quite affordable and they have these sizes too in India. For the ones we have here we can ship to our American and Canadian members. We can send you via email photos on any of them. For people in other countries, our Indian representative can mail it to you and has a way to prevent custom fees. For the Jrs. we have here we also offer to keep your new skull for a week and Katrina does a special activation with the original Geronimo and our other skulls plus she has her own special magic to bring your Geronimo Jr. to life.  Or, if you want a Geronimo Jr. in another gemstone (beyond clear or smoky quartz) we can get a custom one made by our Indian carver. To learn more, feel free to email us at: 
[email protected]

Now a miracle happened last year, either it was one of our members or a friend on facebook I was chatting with told me he was having a contact with our Chinese carvers, and they also helped us to share with our extended crystal skull family another type of skull called a "Star Being" skull (see photos in the next section) which is a type of ET skull that has been quite popular.  So I tried some new emails to our Chinese friends late last year and low and behold they answered. It was so great to be in touch with them, so next I want to let you know we have access to help you get your own "Star Being" skull ... read on...



Above is our personal crystal skull, a "Star-Being" skull who's name is "The King" (the one who points the way) and "Laialani". This crystal skull has two names because it has a masculine side ("The King") but can also shift into a feminine side or energy too ("Laialani"). It is definitely possible for any crystal skull to do this and it make sense, as if we have various living "Spirits" who work through the skulls, on their level there is no sex per say. Anyway, one year while I was living in Holland, I was invited to speak at a crystal skull conference that was held in Glastonbury, England and I recall I was the moderator for the crystal skull panel we did. For a long time, I had been drawn to this style of crystal skull and wondered if I would have one, when all of the sudden, the organizer of the conference, who was a good friend, gifted this one to me, as she had been selling this skulls for quite some time.

As you can see from the photo above, the "Star-Being" skulls definitely have an ET face, so think it looks a bit like a Gray alien, but I can tell you when we work with the "The King/Laialani" the energy of our skull is very different than this but it clearly has an ET or cosmic energy associated with it.  Now, you will see below, our Chinese carvers have created four type of "Star Being" skulls for us, take a peek below:



Each skull is about 140-150g, about 2 inches high, the first row is rose quartz and clear quartz, and the second row is cloudy clear quartz and the other they say is citrine quartz but I don't think citrine comes in a lime green color. All of these skulls are very affordable and would be mailed out from China directly to you. There also exist we could negotiate on your behalf to have a "Star Being" skull done in a larger size or made from a different gemstone. So once again, if you want to chat or know more feel free to email us at: 
[email protected]


This is one of my most beloved crystal skulls ever, as it was the one I met in 1983, almost 40 years ago which was the catalyst to show me my life's work with these crystalline beings. Even just viewing a photo of "Ami" (former guardian, unfortunately departed as he was one of the nicest human beings you would ever want to meet, Al Ramirez, who gifted me this photo) at the time in April, at the Ram Metaphysical Bookstore, in San Jose, CA, I heard the living consciousness of this skull (it is feminine) speak to me (telepathically) and she said, "We {meaning all of the skull family} are returning into your world to help humanity create a world of peace, so now that you know Joshua, what are you going to do about it?" or it was something like this. Thus, this was Day 1 of being a Crystal Skull Explorer, but I didn't know it at that time of course. Well in 2001 I believe, an opportunity came up to visit Al and Ami in San Jose, CA and do some energetic tests with "Ami" over 2 days, held at a hotel and it was during this time, when Al had a session with my co-author Sandra Bowen, who also came to partake of our experiments, that Al came up with the name of this skull, "Ami" which means friend.

Above is the cover of the e-book I wrote back in 2016 or 2017, to discuss "Ami" and some of my personal experiences with this very special crystal skull in 1983 and again when I last saw this skull in 2001. Al Ramirez allowed me to meditate and hold "Ami" (see the photo of me above), as well as do a special meditation holding Portal de Luz in one hand and "Ami" in the other (photo of this in this e-book).  Before Al passed, he gifted me a notebook that had all their records (they meaning the group of Hispanic businessmen who had this crystal skull until they sold it I think in 2009 to a private owner) and research his group had done on this crystal skull and I added it to this e-book. Now we do offer this 80 page e-book for those who might wish to learn more about this crystal skull (as since it was last sold no one has seen this skull as it current owner or owners have not declared themself or selves publicly) the link below discusses how to get your copy, you can go to:


But the other reason I wanted to mention this e-book, is because in the next part of this message series, Part IV - I am going to be talking about our on-line crystal skull explorers membership we had in 2016, where this e-book was offered to the members as 3 reports which I then turned into this e-book. You will see in Part IV another way you can obtain this e-book so you might want to wait till then to decide if you wish to get your copy. But now here is why I am really speaking about Ami, this is some news I am only sharing with you, the members of our newsletter ... a chance for you to be able to experience "Ami" ... hold on.

So sometime during 2019 I felt like I was getting a message from "Her" ("Ami") who was expressing to me a great sadness that she was in prison (like she basically had been with Al and his partners, Al really couldn't do much to help "Her") with this current owner, as she wanted to go out and meet the people (as other very old skulls have done) as well as meet other members of her own crystal skull family. But this current guardian, for whatever reason(s) - {we can only imagine} is unwilling to grant "Ami" what she wishes. She had such an amazing time in 2001 being with us and being around other crystal skulls. Why went I came into the hotel room we stayed in (Al slept with us) and saw "Ami" once again, I felt her joy and her "spirit" hugged me. I will surely never forget that! Anyway, I felt inspired by Her to speak to our Chinese carvers, who are extremely talented and see if they could make replicas of HER but I don't like that term, I think we were going to call them "Children of Ami" or something like this.

So the Chinese carvers agreed and one of their talented carver was assigned to the task. Another of versions of this "Child of Ami" were done, as I needed the carver to make slight modifications in its form and design from model to model. They did not do these skulls in amethyst because it is to expensive so they used lepidolite instead which is also a purple gemstone. I saw they also made another model in obsidian. Probably if covid-19 hadn't come to China at the end of 2019, by 2020 you would have already know about this new line of crystal skulls. But unfortunately, we lost contact with the Chinese carvers and the process stopped. Below is an example of one of the models made in lepidolite, see how close it looks to the original "Ami":

So here is my good news. I am told in June of this year, this project will resume and also we will receive one of these models already made, so we can show people. Before we had discussed making two sizes, one that is the size of the real skulls which is about 8 lbs., like a baby's skull and then the other size much smaller so it is more affordable. If you might like to get your own "Child of Ami" or be one of the first individuals to be contacted with more information, just send us an email at: 
[email protected] and we will add you to a special list. Those people on this list will be given the first option to have one. At this time, it is unknown once we start to dialogue again in June, how long it will take until these skulls are ready but it will be shipped to you from China. Of course, it is my prayer by June, the so-called undeclared war will be over, the world will be at peace and money and finances will be meaningless ... or is this wishful thinking?

Thank you for joining us again for this special message series. I hope you enjoyed the information shared and our stories dealing with our personal crystals and others we have met on our crystal skull journey. Of course feel free at any time to contact us if we can help you obtain a crystal skull, or one calling out to you whether it is one of the types we are offering or if you wish to have a customized one created just for you.

As usual below is our free e-books and free videos we offer. Also is a photo of a 2.5kg (5.5 lbs. - almost half human size) clear quartz skull just created by our special Indian carver, which is much much more affordable then the human size one we shared earlier this week. It is seeking its true guardian and we also have a video on this skull to share if needed. Finally for Part IV coming up, we will share about all the good information, books, and audio interviews we shared via our on-line membership from 2015-2016 - there might be something there waiting for you ... I am the type of person who hates to have special information just sitting and recently a person paid for the full membership which brought these files to my attention again.

God bless each of you - we thank you always for your support of our work and be ready to see a beautiful new Earth coming soon  :-)

in peace and light always, be safe and there's no need to worry or fear - an amazing 2022 is about to emerge and break open soon!!

Joshua with Katrina
your crystal skull explorers

email: [email protected]
websites: www.crystalskullexplorers.com   www.cse.crystalskullexplorers.com  https://crystalskullexplorers.multiscreensite.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshuashapiro.cse
twitter: @csexplorer
youtube channel: Crystal Skull Explorers Video Channel


(plus take a peek at the latest master piece carved by our Indian carver ... )

Free E-books (On a variety of topics)

(There are six free e-books we have offered since 2018 that we have discussed before in previous editions of our newsletter. In case you missed getting your copy of any one, here is how to obtain them and what each e-book contains. The first three e-books can be download from a page on our new website that is being constructed, and the other 3 e-books you can obtain by sending Joshua an email at [email protected], see below:)

Go to this page for the e-books below -- https://crystalskullexplorers.multiscreensite.com/-ebooks

1. Crystal Skull Explorer's free crystal skull e-book (last updated in 2018, over 100+ pages)

2. Is our World a Computer Simulation? (on-line videos that discuss how this could be true)

3. Messages from rJis (mentioned before, two personal spiritual experiences that Joshua had which
                                 show our future will be total peace including insights from his future self and a
                                 look at Project Looking Glass)

Send an Email to Joshua to have these e-books sent to you via email, indicate by number which e-book(s) you wish:

4. A High Level Overview of What is Happening in the World (Written May 2021)
    {this e-book originally was a message we posted last year - it is information Joshua collected that
     discusses what is (still) happening in the world behind the scenes that explains why we have
     been going through all these difficult challenges since the end of 2019 till today ...}

5. Tartaria - True or Not? (released summer 2022)
     {Did an advance civilization exist upon the Earth 200-220 years ago known as Tartaria? 
       They are said to be tall humans who had a very advance technology including free energy
       as well as were highly spiritual.  It is told that Tartaria was totally wiped out by a global
       flood similar to what happened to biblical Noah.  So, are some of the most advance
       buildings that currently exist in our world remains of this culture as it seems unlikely
       these structures could have been built by mankind from the 1800s and earlier with the
       primitive tools they had. We are speaking of buildings which serve now as our churches,
       cathedrals and government buildings and huge stone arches ....}

6. Journey into the World of Flat Earth, Book #1 of 2  (release December 2022, 500 pages)
    {Is the idea of our world being a flat non-rotating earth with a dome that is 73 miles high
     up over the earth's surface possibly true?  This e-book describes what the Flat Earth or
     Geocentric model is about, discusses many holes within the Heliocentric model we were
     all taught in school. Further the book focuses upon the existence of an impregnable dome, and
     that the Sun and Moon are both quite small, self illuminating lights which rotate over the
     Earth underneath the dome - you will never see our world in the same light!}

Rumble Video Channels (Crystal Skulls with the Paranormal and Flat Earth)

Crystal Skull and Paranormal Rumble Video Channel:  https://rumble.com/c/c-626273
CSE Flat Earth Rumble Video Channel:  https://rumble.com/c/c-1232093

(Note: - on our crystal skull video channel you can find all three parts of our Crystal Skull
 Documentary - we use to have this on Youtube but it is not working there now so we copied
 it to our Rumble Channel - when you go to each channel you will see all our videos listed.)

This is the latest clear quartz crystal skull done by our Indian Carver has made, it is 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) -- this skull is available right now and at a much more reasonable price then the human sized skull is we showed before made by the same carver. We have more photos and videos to share if you wish to see more and feel an affinity with this skull.  Feel free to contact us via email at: 
[email protected]  if we can answer any questions, again we will have access to offer this skull for about a week at a price lower then you could get normally.  The carvers of today and getting very good at carving some very sophisticated skulls. Thanks ...